3 | piggyback

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[day 2]


the night was empty with no stars to decorate the sky, but the full moon was bright and shine upon the city dimly. another night comes when haewon's family went to a buffet held at a hotel. she was delighted. she wanted to take the advantage and approached kim taehyung, jiwon's fiance.

she had another plan in her head. walking off with him without jiwon, tripping on her long dress and get carried in his arms away.

haewon was no good in heels, she was afraid but she risked her life to wear those. it was actually her mom's heels. her white cloud dress was dragging on the marbled floor. her wavy charcoal hair fell down to her back elegantly - everyone's eyes were on her.

the family sat down on the reserved seats and haewon secretly snatched glimpses at kim taehyung who was helping his fiance to take a seat. for no reason, haewon didn't liked what she saw. she quickly removed her eyes away.

haewon's mother and father kept chatting while slapping each other's arms lightly, but she was more curious about kim taehyung and song jiwon. they were sweet as ever; she bitterly thought.

suddenly, kim taehyung stood up from his seat. "what drinks do you want, mama, papa?" haewon finally had the advantage. though, she didn't expected it to be so fast.

"champagne for us."

"just plain water for me." jiwon said when taehyung looked at her.

then, taehyung diverted his gazes on haewon. his kind eyes were finally on hers. she instantly had cold feet but it instantly faded when he opened his mouth to speaks. "what do you want, haewon?"

haewon liked it. how her name rolled off his tongue. it gave butterfly in her stomach. she even forgot to respond to him because of his voice that was still lingering in her head.

"i - I'll follow you. it'll be hard to carry all the drinks by yourself." haewon can't stop staring at his gentle stares.


haewon then stood up and tailed behind kim taehyung who was leading the way. she couldn't stop staring at his back. it was wide and his shoulders were broad. his back wasn't too big or small, they were perfect. the nape of his neck made her cheeks burnt. she was staring too much.

I should trip now. haewon thought but she finds it hard to do so. her heels were killing her feet. she was familiar with heels but they were too high. her walking was awkward as the pain was stabbing her feet. she tried holding back the pain by biting her red lips.

kim taehyung then finally turned around and saw haewon who was behind him, limping. haewon noticed how taehyung was looking at her and she immediately looked away.

"are you okay?" that was the first sentence he uttered.

haewon nodded but she knew he noticed how pale she had gotten and how her feet felt like hell. kim taehyung didn't waste a second when he walked towards her.

"take off those heels." he softly said but concern laced in his tone.

haewon swore she could hear her own heartbeat in her ears. she slowly took off those murdering heels and her feet were blistering. her heels were bleeding a bit and haewon softly hissed at the stinging pain.

"let me see those." kim taehyung kneeled and his hands reaching to her feet. her heart rate spiked up.

his hand were very gentle as he held her foot that was filled with blisters. he held it as if it was a frail glass that could break any moment if treated harshly. his dainty slender fingers gently touching the blisters. haewon couldn't look at him anymore. she felt her cheeks heating up and afraid that taehyung might hears her crazy heart thumping.

why am I feeling this way? it's weird and it's embarrassing. she wished to run away or maybe a hole to suck her from beneath.

"i don't think you should wear those heels anymore. your poor feet are suffering." he let go of her feet and she felt disappointed strangely.

she immediately nodded her head slightly. once more, it didn't happen like how she had planned. she didn't made his heart flutters, but it was the opposite.

"come. I'll carry you." kim taehyung really knows how to made her flustered. taehyung wanted to give her a piggyback.

that's not romantic, haewon thought. she wished he would carry her in bridal style but she got piggyback instead. but it still made her heart beats anyway.

she limped towards the kneeling taehyung before slightly crouching down. her heart beat sped up as she wrapped her arms around his neck. her chin resting on his shoulder and her chest pressing against his back. it was embarrassing. hell, it was really embarrassing because he surely heard it.

kim taehyung gently secured his hands around her thighs so she wouldn't fall. for the first time, she felt another person's piggyback beisde her papa's piggyback back when she was seven. it felt different. she felt insane.

"hold on tight."

his voice was calm. the view from his back was beautiful. his scent was lingering around her nose. haewon finally got to have a closer look at his neck and she stared, very long long stares. everything about him was beautiful. did, leonardo da vinci painted him, or maybe it was picasso?

it wasn't romantic but it was romantic enough to made her heart went crazy, it wasn't normal. but haewon knew why kim taehyung didn't carry her in bridal style. it was because only jiwon could be carry like that. it was also the first time, haewon felt jealous towards her sister.

he was beautiful. he was tragic because he wasn't hers.

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