14 | brazen

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[day 9]

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even after brushing her teeth for the millionth times, she could feel jimin's soft lips on hers, his warmth seemed to stuck on hers like glue. she didn't know her first kiss would be in the detention class and moreover, from park jimin. what am I saying? he's my boyfriend, that's normal.

yet, she doesn't felt convinced. her heart didn't pound when their lips met. she didn't feel the adrenaline rushing through her veins. she felt nothing. just a lip-to-lip service for her.

but what if it was with taehyung? just by imagining things inside her head, her heart started to thumped fast and blood were rushing to her cheeks and they turned vibrant pink. she was flustered just by imagining taehyung's face.

"i'm crazy. I must be crazy." haewon mumbled and gave her cheeks a smack.

suddenly, the door to haewon's room opened and her eyes quickly latched on to taehyung who opened the door. her cheeks went bright red when she saw taehyung's dampened hair with small pink towel draped around his neck. he was clad in red checkered pajamas and his face was a teeny bit flushed.

"haewon? I'm glad you're not sleeping yet." taehyung said, awkward. he flashed a rectangular smile to haewon.

haewon couldn't keep her cool. she suddenly felt flustered and her heartbeat was abnormal. "y - yeah . . . why?"

"um, you see, jiwon isn't here tonight because she went out with her friends and I . . ." taehyung tapped her fingers on the door and licked his lip, "i was wondering if you want to watch a movie with me. I'm a bit of a scaredy cat when it comes to horror films." he stifled a small laughter.

haewon blinked twice before processing the words that registered into her mind. she slightly nodded without realising that she did.

"s - sure."

with that, song haewon and kim taehyung went to his room. haewon was a bit perplexed because she thought they would be watching horror movie in the living room. however, she was wrong and her heartbeat didn't settled down.

"what movie are we going to watch?" haewon striked a conversation.

"the strangers 2. heard of it?" taehyung turned on the TV.

"no, never. but I'm excited to watch it." haewon didn't know why she lied. she had actually watched the movie with her friends two weeks ago.

it's okay, at least, I get to spend time with taehyung. it's your lost tonight, jiwon. haewon mentally said and could imagine the creepy faces she was making.

thirty minutes into the movie, haewon saw taehyung covering his face with the comforter. haewon didn't care about it, because she was anxious about being in the same bed with him. her eyes no longer focused on the movie, instead she was staring at the quivering taehyung. as if he was way more interesting than the movie.

"you can hold my hand if you're scared." haewon blurted out but she didn't regret it.

taehyung finally removed his eyes from the screen and his gentle yet scared eyes fixated on hers.

"eh . . . haewon -" haewon instantly grabbed taehyung's hand that was gripping on the comforter.

her heart rate increased drastically, if that was possible. taehyung's warm hand was big and completely wrapped around her small one. her fire-flushed cheeks were too obvious but she didn't care.

"it's okay. we're only holding hands." haewon knitted her brows, pressing her hand tightly against taehyung's.

taehyung soft eyes turned wide and his lips swiftly parted open. he looked speechless, obviously. but then, taehyung suddenly averted his gazes away. haewon's heart sank. was I rejected?

"no, haewon. it isn't okay." taehyung's voice was soft and calm but there was a hint of sadness welled within them.

he gently pushed her hand away and his eyes focused on the movie once more. till the end of the movie, taehyung never glances at haewon even once after that. the movie wasn't enjoyable and was super awkward. haewon felt embarrassed and wanted to disappear from taehyung's sight.

I was rejected.

"but I'll not give up."

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