11 | sour lemonade

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[day 7]


haewon realised how awkward it is dating park jimin.

he never acts lovey dovey nor kisses her but he does hold her hand. haewon couldn't quit gasping when he does that. in order to not have anymore awkward relationship, haewon invited park jimin to her house.

they had seated theirselves on the leather sofa. awkward silence filled the air. the TV wasn't turn on and haewon couldn't take the remote either because it was close to jimin.

"why are you so awkward?" park jimin broke the wall of silence. haewon's eyes shot up to him.

I could ask you the same. "because you're not talking either?"

park jimin finally flickered his eyes on yours and haewon noticed how he looked a little irritated. but she was not surprised, because he was a short-tempered man. he gets angry quickly and his anger will dies out few days later. he also holds grudges for a long time. but never to song haewon, never.

"i'm not talking because you might think I'm creepy."

"why would I think that?"

"because you're that kind of weirdo who does."

"hey -!"

"oh, you're home.. with your boyfriend." out of nowhere, kim taehyung popped up.

taehyung shot a smile at haewon, which caused her to blushed. what am I doing? I have a boyfriend. she already knew it, the fact that she haven't gotten over him. the fact that his kind gazes and pure smiles still affects her.

"i would bring over some lemonade." taehyung suddenly offered and his figure soon faded.

haewon was shaking. so much that it scared her. she feels like a b*tch. for having feelings towards her sister's fiance even though she has a boyfriend. she was disgusted. haewon couldn't erased her thoughts of kim taehyung.

"you're blaming yourself, aren't you?" jimin suddenly spoke and startled haewon.

his hand grabbed her arm, pulling her closer to his chest while his other hand was placed gently on her head. his fingers running along her brown locks.

haewon could hear the uneasy tone in jimin's voice. "i'm sorry, jimin.." she muttered against his chest.

"stop apologize, dimwit. it is my fault. for giving you the dare." jimin voice reverberated against her cheek. "but now you're my girlfriend. you don't have to do the dare anymore."

haewon's eyes downcast. her mind travelled back to when the first time she saw taehyung, clad in old-fashioned attire. it was summer when she first saw him, she thought he was weird - because he wore thick clothes on scorching hot day.

but her views changed since a week ago. when she broke his glass, when he acted like a gentleman. she found herself head over heels for him. she was infatuated with him. even though she was aware he won't recipocrate her feelings.

"no, it's not your fault. in the first place, I was the one who fell for him." she paused, "i will get over him."

haewon's small fingers clenched on jimin's shirt. she inhaled jimin's cologne but she was still reminded of taehyung. I like taehyung's scent better. only God knows how much haewon hated herself for comparing jimin to taehyung.

get over it, song haewon. kim taehyung already has a wife.

"um, did I interrupt something here?" suddenly, kim taehyung popped up again, this time, with a tray of glasses of lemonade.

jimin and haewon was still hugging until haewon hastily pushed away from jimin and pretended to fix her baby blue blouse. oh my god . . . he must've seen that. haewon sneaked up a glance at taehyung's face but he was calm like unbothered water.

and that bothered haewon.

what am I expecting? haewon's eyes dropped down to her hands that were placed on her lap. she has a boyfriend yet her mind doesn't thinks the same way. it wanted kim taehyung alone. nobody else but him.

haewon blankly stared at taehyung's hands that were cautiously placing the glasses onto the coffee table and handed it to her and jimin. haewon took it, drinking it, and felt the cool lemonade trickling down her warm throat.

"is it good, haewon?" taehyung asked with anticipation and haewon's cheeks were red as apples, for no reason. "yeah . . . it's good." her eyes not meeting taehyung. she can't look at him.

"it's too sour!" jimin suddenly commented, hint of disgust laced on his tone.

"really? sorry. I must've forgot to add sugar in yours." taehyung apologised as he awkwardly scratched his head but haewon sensed something else.

there was an amusement in his voice. his lips were quivering a bit, as if they were holding back something. his eyes glistening mischievously and haewon finally understood what it was.

don't tell me . . . he purposefully didn't add sugar in jimin's drink?

haewon thought she was insane for even accused him like that. but taehyung's face which doesn't seem so guilty aroused her suspicion. but then, what did he do that for? she can't find any reasons. but something about taehyung's act had awoken a slumbering demon inside her.

if he did it on purpose, that means he resent jimin. because I'm dating him?

then, taehyung . . . has feelings for me? haewon despised herself for feeling happy inside. for thinking she still had the chance. moreover, she despised herself for saying she could moves on from taehyung but got swayed from a little mistake that could be accidental.

but she made up her mind.

I'm sorry, park jimin. I really can't get over him.

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