15 | christmas, night, alone

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[five days skip]

[day 14]


five days had passed and kim taehyung has never glances at her anymore. everytime their eyes coincidentally met, he would look away. he wouldn't smile. he wouldn't speak. he wouldn't walk closer to her. not after that day.

nothing had ever broke song haewon's heart more than that. she was sad, it was indescribable. since taehyung had neglected her, she slowly forgot how his soft eyes casts gentle stares at her and how his pure smiles were flashed to her. she couldn't exactly remembers how they look.

haewon stifled a sigh, her tired dull eyes stared out the window and saw snowflakes fluttering in the rigid night air. the pavement was entirely buried in pure white snow and haewon thought how nice it was to play snowballs with jimin.

oh right, jimin hasn't talk to me for two days already.

her eyes crinkled as a bitter smile curled up her pale cracked lips. park jimin had also given up on her. why? they fought. haewon though had sensed the predicament to happen. she realised how she hurted them for her own sake of self-satisfaction.

haewon's grasps on the cup of hot cocoa loosened. the warm of the cup pressing on her palms reminded her of taehyung's hot cocoa the night, two weeks ago. but the hot cocoa in her hands tasted different from his. it was tasteless and there was no whipped cream.

her lifeless eyes gazed on the motioned hot cocoa and a small frown graced upon her worn out face. "it doesn't looks like taehyung's brown eyes."

haewon felt as if she was growing deranged. she was at the tip of her sanity. the way her tired coffee eyes motioned reminded her of an old lady living with nothing but cats. the way her body was bundled up in thick clothes also reminded her of an old lady sitting on a rocking chair. the way her frail hands holding a cup of hot cocoa reminded her of an old lady who had lost her husband.

the cup fell out of her grip and fell to the floor with a loud thud. the shards fell on her feet which were fortunately covered in cotton socks.

this reminded me of something. as she stared at the puddle of hot cocoa surrounding her feet, a piece of memory flashed at the back of her mind.

she remembered how she purposefully broke a glass of sparkling cider to attract kim taehyung's attention. how he offered himself to pick up the shards of glasses for her. somehow, haewon finally realised something about his smiles.

his smiles seemed to feigned innocence.

"last time I remember, you broke a glass." kim taehyung suddenly popped out of nowhere.

haewon had thought she was home alone but she wasn't. she didn't know how to react when taehyung kneel down on the floor to pick the shards of glass. it was exactly like that day she fell for him.

"im guessing you accidentally broke the glass this time." taehyung uttered and haewon's eyes widened in suprise.

"you -"

"yeah, I knew that you broke the glass on purpose at that time." taehyung interjected.

taehyung stated without looking at haewon. he continue to picked up the shards. that was what haewon had sensed. kim taehyung was actually faking the jolly smiles he had always flashed to her.


"let's see. the way you pushed the glass off was totally lame." taehyung exclaimed and haewon's mouth was agape.

he had noticed since the start.

"i don't know what was your purpose on doing that but, it was easy to read your mind." taehyung let out a perplexed smile - no, a smirk.

a smirk. haewon always wondered how a smirk would look like on taehyung but now, she knew. it looked sardonic. it doesn't bear any kindness.

"a dare. I did it because of a dare."

"i see . . . what was the dare about?"

taehyung's smirk turned into a normal smile. I'm sorry; was all haewon could think of.

"seduce. it was to seduce you." haewon nonchalantly said, as if it wasn't anything big.

taehyung didn't looked surprised. why aren't you surprised?

haewon wondered why taehyung's expression didn't change. she stood up from the chair she was sitting on the whole time, kneeling down, to match with taehyung's height.

"I like you."

haewon slowly inched closer to taehyung's face and he didn't budged at all. she was close, very close, their noses started to brushed against each other.

her lips gently pressed against taehyung.

15 days | taehyung ✓  Where stories live. Discover now