Ch. 2

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Danny woke up, he was lying on a bed. He was looking at the various rooms he liked them all. Danny walked into this big room. He started yawn and went head first into the bed and thats where he slept.

He didn't bother changing into different clothes so he decided to walk down the halls. It was very confusing. He finally ran into a room that looked like it it was used for dining.  

He found a chair to sit on. It was a very comfy chair so he decided to stare of into space. He was really bored snd tired.

Danny put his head into his hands and went to sleep. That is until he felt something being pushed toward him.

He lifted his head out of his hands and saw his liitle brother, Dick, with a bowl of cereal. 

"Here I got some for you too, you better eat."

"Fine." He starts to eat

"Hey do you know where Bruce went?" Dick asks

"Nope but we can find out." Danny replied

The two brothers walked down one of the halls. When they saw Alfred walking into a particular room.

Danny gave Dick a hand signal for 'let's go find out whats going on'. Dick nodded.

They silently walked into the room. It looked liked a study. They made sure to stay in the shadows.

They saw Alfred do something with the big cloch in the far-side of the room.

A secret passage way opened and Alfred was gone just like that.

Danny signaled with his hand 'let's go'. So they walked to the large clock and followed Alfred's actions.

The secret door opened and both boys walked in.

"This is cool." Dick said

Danny put a finger to his mouth and shushed Dick.  The two boys found themselves in what looked like the bat cave.

They heard the purr of a car. They both decided to stay in the shadows.

The two boys a saw a black clad hero, wearing what appeared to be a bat costume. 

They figured out that the figure was batman. Before they couldnfo anything else the man dissapeared.

One minute he was there the next he was gone. They tried to find him but he wasn't there anymore.

Danny and Dick heard foot steps and they both turned around and you guessed it. It was batman, he was standing in front of them.

They both jumped, but then Dick asked.

"Your Bruce Wayne aren't you?"

The man did not reply he removed the cowl and they saw the face of Bruce Wayne. 

They were both dumbfounded. "So your batman, and this makes total sense now. That's why you're alwasys gone." Danny said

"I knew you would find out eventually. I just didn't think it would be right at this moment." Bruce said

Danny then said something that he thought he'd never say. "Can you train me, I want to avenge the murder that was inflicted onto my parents. In hopes that this will happen to another human being."

"Ahem," Dick said, "I'm here too and if he's training. I'm also training,  nothing you say or do will make me change my mind."

Dick already knew that Danny's answer would be a yes sense Danny trusted him. He just had to get Bruce on his side.

"Please." They both said unison

Both boys were surprised at what the Dark Knight did next.

He said, "You both start training tommorow."

The boys looked at each other, excitement was evident on both their faces.



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