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It had been roughly three years since I was brought back from the grave. Now I am seventeen- eighteen years old. I ran away from Roy and Green Arrow a few weeks later. I ran away to Quebec up in Canada. 

Danny was wearing a black skin tight, long sleeve shirt. A pair of tan cargo pants, and long black boots. 

He changed his hair and dyed part of it as blue as his cold eyes. The rest of his hair was still raven black.

I now run a little coffee shop. I haven't been bothered by anything in my past life. I changed my name to Steve Williams.

I look into the news every so often to see what is happening in the United States. To check up on my brother, and it seems that Batman has adopted another kid named Jason.

It was after they formed a team called young justice. Full of a few mangy sidekicks.

I was thinking of my brother when my watch started to beep.

"Danny... come in."

"It's not Danny anymore, Batsy."

"So what do want from me Bat jerk? Hmm."

"I know I'm a bad father, but I contacted you because I... need your help."

"I'm listening."

"Dick doesn't know you're alive, but I do. He needs his brother back he needs you. 

So do your new younger brothers: Jason Todd, and Tim Drake. Damian is a bit of a handful. That's why I called, so you can knock some sence into that kid."

"Can you be their big brother or are you going to stand from sidelines like you always do."

I sighed, "I will be there in about a week, but I am no longer your son. I will be there on business only. No slaps on the back, and definitely; I mean definitely no hugs. Got it?"

"It will be good to have you back Danny," he signed off

"Bruce?! Ugh, well I better get going there will be a long week ahead of me." Danny finished washing one last table.

Put on a coat over his black skin tight, long sleeved shirt. He took the keys and locked the door to the small coffee shop.

That he would now have to give to employees, since he probably was not coming back.

He put on his hood and walked out the door. "Goodbye old coffee shop."

He went home to start packing his large duffel bag. 

Goodbye quiet life hello dysfunctional family.

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