Ch. 9

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Danny was strapped to a chair in a two story that was about blow up with him inside. Just his luck, Danny hated luck.

He started to stare at the ground. It took his mind off the fact that he was going to die in less than half an hour. 

He was only eleven years old, they didn't go through things like this. Unless of course you were Daniel John Grayson/ Wayne. 

He got himself into a lot of trouble. Danny thought he was going to go insane sitting there waiting for his time to be up.

"Why is Batman taking so long, I swear if he doesn't get here soon I'm going to chew through the rope." He mumbled to himself

"Don't worry bird boy, Batsy will get here soon. In the mean time though, let's have some fun." Said the overly annoying voice of Joker

"W-what d-do you want with m-me!?" He said shaking

"Oh I just want to have some fun with my little kiddo. Don't you want to play with your old man, birdy boy?"

Joker said as he took a knife of the table that was near him. He walked over to Danny who was shaking like a leaf.

"No no no please stop don't hurt me!"

"Oh I'm not going to hurt you little Crowy. I just want to make you smiiilllee!" He said almost singing at the end

"What are you going to do to me? Are you going to cut of my limbs?"

"Ha ha no! I just want to make you smile baby bird."

The Joker says as he takes the knife to Danny's cheeks and starts to cut. Blood starts to spill, and Danny starts to scream as Joker laughs.

When Joker is finished he steps back and looks at Danny. "That was not so bad now was it he says as he cuts Danny's ropes. 

Danny takes his hand and rubs it against his cheek, and removes his hand. He sees the red crimson of his blood. Danny starts to giggle and then it goes to a full on cackle.

Danny had finaly crossed the line that seperated the sane from the crazy. Daniel John Grayson/ Wayne has finally lost his mind.

There is no going back for the one that has gone to far.

---Somewhere on the other side of Gotham

Batman and Robin were still loking for their little crow. When they heard a cackle that sounded very familiar. 

"Are we to late Bats?" 

"No... you can never be too late." Even the Batman was not that sure of himself. 

All he knew was that he needed to get to Crow fast before he drowned to bottom end of the crazed up gene pool.

The two kept on jumping across buildings in silence. They both knew that there was something bad about to happen.

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