Ch. 13

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A few weeks later

Danny was eating cereal for breakfast when he heard something. It was like a thump and his eyes started to twitch.  There was another thump, and another.

He got up from one of the chairs around the dining room table. Danny went towards the door until he heard thump... thump, thump.

Danny went to the food pantry and opened it. In the closet was Dick.

"What are you doing in a the pantry?" He asks

He looks down and sees that Dick is holding a broom.

"Why do you have a broom Dick?"

Dick looks down at the brom he is still holding the broom. "Oh... I was looking for rats, did you see any rats around here?"

"The only rat I see here is you." Danny says, "If you are going to look for rats, than do it quietly. I was trying to eat breakfast."

Dick starts to pout, "You're no fun, you take the concept of fun out of fun. You're like fun sucker, like the...."

Danny tackles Dick to the ground. "I'll give you fun, you little stinker." He says as he starts tickling Dick

Dick starts laughing, "Get off me, you crazy dude."

Dick rolls on top if Danny and starts to tickle him back with even more force. Danny starts to laugh and than he starts to cry.

"Okay... I give. I give up."

"That is exactly what I wanted to here you say, Danny my man."

"Oh shut up." He says as he get up of the ground

He starts to crack when he feels pain shoot through him. Danny falls to the ground. He can hear Dick calling for him but he is to far gone, and then all he sees is black.


He wakes up and sees that he is in a room with white padded walls and floor. Danny tries to move his arm but he can't. 

Looking down he sees that he is in a white straight jacket. This was one of the things that he read in a book once. It was the dictionary, and it said that these were worn by the insane individual in the asylum.

'I'm not insane, am I?' He questioned himself

He looked down at his clothes. At his onky pair of pants, that were covered in red, crimson liquid; blood.

All he saw was white as he turned his head in different directions. The white everything was starting to drive him insane, if he wasn't already.

Trying to stand up but failing as he hit the white padded floor.

"You wont be able to get out." Said a southern and cultured voice

Who are you, and where am I?"

"Names are of little importance, and you are in a place for the mentally troubled. A place called Arkham Asylum if you will."

"How long have I been here for?"

"You've been here for quite sometime after your little accident. I'd say it's been maybe a month or maybe two."

"What kind of accident, might I ask?"

"Well you went on a little killing spree after that morning with your brother. You tried to kill him, and then you left and killed maybe fourty, or fifty in the city. Before we were able to take you down, you've been here since."

"No I wouldn't do something like that so vile and nasty, I'm not a monster. Am I?"

"Well, I am not sure my small friend. I must tell you one thing to be free you must behave. I a sure you that won't be a problem." He says as he taps his neck

Danny can see the man now and he is wearing a black suit, and shoes. With a white under shirt, a red tie, and a top of messy dark brown hair.

"You can call me Beatty, Mr. Beatty, and you sir are?"

"It's Danny, just Danny."

"Well Danny, I might see ya' around then, mi amigo."

"Adiós Senor Beatty y hasta mañana. Buenos deseos!"      (Good bye Mr. Beatty, and see you tomorrow. Good wishes!)

Danny knew Spanish just as well as he knew Romanian. Since he came from a Romanian family circus. 

"Well at least I have one friend here. I really hope I don't go insane watching these white walls." He mummbled as he chuckle to himself

"Insane, I already am insane. Hahaha hahaha!"

He fell to the white padded floor and let the blackness over take him.

'Maybe I really am insane.' was his last thought



See ya'll next time

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