Ch. 4

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There was a meeting that was called at the batcave recently. So, Speedy and Green Arrow were on there way over to Gotham City to meet the Batman.

They were going in the direction of the batcave when they heard a scream.

"What in the hell was that?" Green Arrow asked

"I don't know," Speedy said, "But let's find out."

"It's coming from that warehouse, over there." Green Arrow says as he point to the building at their right

The jump the buildings as they run over to the building. They see that it is boarded up, obviously abandoned. 

They rip off the planks of wood, and open the door.

It was dark and quite dusty. Good thing they always use flashlights. They took out their flashlights and turned them on. 

The two heard groaning, they ran doen the halls. Until they came upon a door.

They opened the door and walked in. They saw a kid laying on the ground. He looked liked he was in pain.

Also in all honesty, he looked really familiar. 

The kid opened his eyes and yelled out in pain.

"Where am I?! How did I get on the floor, and who are yo... Oh wait I know who you are. You're Speedy and you are Green Arrow." He says motioning with his hands to the two heros

"It's great to be known isn't it, Speedy." He says with a dry sense of sarcasm

"Yep," Speedy replies while popping the p, "So do you have a name, kid?"

"The name's Crow."

"Your Batman's sidekick, then?" Speedy asks

Danny grumbles, "I'm not his sidekick, I'm his partner. At least that's what he tells me."

"Funny, I don't remember Crow having white hair though." Green Arrow says a little confused

"I don't... Wait what?!" He says as white locks fall over his face

He runs over to a mirror and sees that his black raven hair is now white. His domino mask now has a faint green glow.

Danny was staring freak out when suddenly there was a bright light turning him back to his human form. He looked back at the mirror and yelled.

"What the heck why do I have white hair?!" He asks

Only silence responded to him. Just then an idea struck him.

"Wait the green toxins must have mutated me. It all makes sence."

It was also all Joker's fault. That jerk of a clown is going to get some butt whopping."

Danny tries to get up off the ground but fails. He falls back on to his hands and knees. Although he is tired he tries one more time. Until he feels a hand on his shoulder. 

Danny looks up and sees GA starring at him with a stern expression. (Green Arrow stands Danny on his feet and Danny sits on the ledge of the roof.)

"You can beat up the Joker later right now we need to get you somewhere safe. We're going to the bat cave to meet up with batman and you're coming with us."

"No no I can't.  What will Batman or Robin say when they see me like this. I'm not going back and you can't make me. At least not yet."

"Fine/ understandable," they both say, "Then you are coming with us to Star City."

"Oh and Crow if you are going to be staying with us. You have to tell us everything... every detail." GA says

"Okay, on one condition. You tell no one about this and that goes for you to speedster."

"Promise kid, I won't tell a soul."

"Also, if I'm spilling my secrets. That means that you tell me yours."

Danny sticks out his hand and Speedy shakes it.

"Deal kid."

Danny tries to get up from his sitting positon but fails.

"You okay there kid?" Speedy asks a little concerned

What can he say the kid was growing on him. He reminds him of himself, stubborn. 

"Just peachy," he says sarcastically, "I'll just sit here for a while. I'm guessing your staying here to keep me company."

"Yep." They both say

There was silence until Danny spoke.

"So let me guess, you're Roy Harper and you are Oliver Queen. Nice to meet the both of you."

The two heros were surprised but they masked it. The kis was smarter than he looked.

There was silence before Crow continued.

"You two can take off your masks now. I promise I won't spill your guts to the media."

The two heros look at each other and shrugged. They took off their masks. Low and behold standing in the right corner, Roy Harper, and next to him is Oliver Queen or Ollie!!

"So you told me your secret identities. Well actually I just figured it out. Now it's time for me to reveal mine."

He removes his mask revealing tired sky blue eyes. They were blood shot and there were bags under them.

It was then that they realized how tired Crow really was.

"I am Daniel Grayson the eldest son of the Grayson family. You can call me Danny, actually I would prefer it if you called me Danny."


Done Done-Done Done Done

See ya'll next time

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