Ch. 15

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"How long has it been Batman, a few weeks, a month, even a year. Perhaps I should ask you a more important question; like why your here? Hmm."

"It's been exactly seven months and three weeks. The reason I'm here is just to check on you. See how things have been going. How have you been liking prison, son."

"Technantly, you're not my real father but prisons fine, but what  I want to know is why you are really here. Are you here to rescue me, or to save me from myself."

"Are your hallucinations getting worse, are you taking your pills?"

"Yes their getting worse, I'm seeing my parents die over and over again," Danny whispered, "When Joker tortured me about a year ago. It's stressful here, I'm not sure how much more I can take before I go insane."

Danny starts to laugh insanely and almost falls off the bottom bunk off the bed. He uses the pole to keep himself up straight.

It doesn't work he falls to his knees. "Help me.... help me please." He starts to repeat the word please over and over again, not quite sure if Batman is really there or a  figment of his imagination. 

Batman puts his hands on Danny's shoulders and whispers something in his ear.

"In two weeks I'll come, see if you can gain some weight. Take your pills and I'll come back and take you away from here is alright kiddo."

"It's fine just come back as soon as two week is over. Before I lose my mind, if it is that I haven't already lost it." Danny starts to chuckle

"Got anything shiny, Batsy?"

"No," Batman says

"Ah, thats to bad, I was thinking of slitting your throat, and escaping throught the cell door," he says with a chesire grin.

Danny starts to laugh insanely again, until he puts his head in his hands. He starts to sob, "Help me... please help." Danny repeats the phrase over again a couple more times.

"I'll try," is all Batman can say before he leaves the cell.

Batman leaves Arkham, goes to his bat mobile and heads home.

He drives into the batcave and is greeted by Alfred and his protege, Dick Grayson, Danny's brother.

"How is he?" Dick asks

"Well do you want the good news or rhe bad new?" Bruce says

"How about the bad news, Master Bruce."

"Okay bad news it is. Well bad news; I think Danny lost his mind."

"How about the good news, or is there any," Dick asks quite worrisome.

"Well, I told him that I'd pick him up, if he's still sane, in two weeks."

"What are you inquiring, Master Bruce?"

"Well whay I mean is, is that the kid might not even last that long, I think the events that happened over the last year might have pushed that kid over the edge."

"He's tough older brother," Dick says, "He can make it."

"Yes he is tough by far, but how long until he completely under the water known as insanity?"

They all pondered the question in the bat cave that full of thoughtful quietness.

'How long?' they all thought



See ya'll next time

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