Ch. 14

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It's been two weeks since I woke up in that white padded room. Which I later found out it was called Solitary Confinement. 

I was let out about a week ago for good behavior. So now I'm going to the court yard. 

I see Ivy and Harley on the couch watching house wives. The Jocker laughing hysterically as usual. Penguin is playing chess with a few other inmates, and their losing. Two face and a few goons are on the far side of the courtyard.

There are a few other inmates like Scarecrow, and Killer croc. They are convesing with Jocker.

I'm not really sure where I should go. Maybe I should go sit by Harley and Ivy. I could go over by Penguin but I am not the best at chess. I'm good but I'm not great. I'm better at using a gun then I am at playing chess.

I made up mind and walked over to where Ivy and Harley are sitting. The two women stare at me and so do the others. 

They are just itching for excitement, but I ignore them. I flash the two women with a chesire grin.

Ivy gives me a questioning look, but Harley does a cartwheel towards me and sticks out her hand.

"You new kid?"

"No, I've been here for a while, I just got out of solitary confinement."

Ivy speaks up, "So what did a kid like you do to end up in a place like this?"

"Yeah kid, what you do?" Ivy said giving me an interested expression

"I killed people many people, there was blood and death every where. I killed them... I killed. I can't believe it, but it... felt good to kill." 

Danny chucled to himself. "Hehehe hehehe hahaha!" He fell to his knees. "It felt good, damn good." Danny says as he wipes tears from his eyes. 

He stands up as the other inmates around him stare with little interest.

Ivy and Harley realize as the kid stands up that he has many inhibitor collars, as many as eight.

I dusted myself self and turned around there was big man starring down at me.

"You wanna fight shrimp." the man said

"I a sure you, that you do not want a fight with me. I'm tougher than I look."

"You sure kid, you don't got a lot of muscle or meat on your bones."

"You don't judge people by their looks you judge by their skills and talents, and I got plenty of that." Danny says as he punches the man hard in the gut.

The man stumbles back but recovers quickly, going in for an upper cut. Danny flips over the man's head and lands behind him. 

"Ha, to slow." He say as the man targets him

"So close, but not close enough." as the man tries to jab him in the ribs. The man tries punching Danny but he's to slow.

"Ya missed, try again." Danny jumps in the air and uses the top of the man's head a  launch and touches down behind him.

Danny goes in for the kill with a powerful punch, not even using a quarter of his strength. The man hits the ground and he doesn't move, just twitches. 

Danny sees the guards moving in closer.

"Oh no, I ain't going to no solitary confinement again, I just got out."

Danny does a back flip across the courtyard and breaks opens the door. He runs down the halls full of cells. He hears the sirens, but the exit doors are so close.

He goes for the door with his hand, and a shock flairs through his spine.

"Make it stop, make it stop." Then lights out and blackness moves in.

I woke up once again, but I was not in the white padded room, but none other than my dreary cell.

I hear a knock otside the cell. "You have a visitor kid, treat him with respect."

"Oh, I haven't had one of those in awhile or ever. When have I ever had a visitor." Danny mumbles to himself

The man walks in and it is none other than the Dark Knight himself...


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