Ch. 8

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Robin and Batman looked for Danny, hours on end. It was no use for they could not find him.

The sun was starting to rise in the sky. They had to get back to the batcave before the press noticed they were out an about.

They took their leave, but not before they took one more hopeful glance around the city.

They were going to find Danny if it was the last thing they did. 

The two vigilantes got into the vehicle but not before Batman spotted something in the corner of his eye.

"Halt... Robin I see something, look."

Robin turns around and looks in the direction that Batman is pointed towards. He sees a domino mask laying on the ground under a bench.

Batman and Robin walked towards it they see that there was a note stuck to it.

'Dear Bats and Bird brain'

'I know that you miss your bird boy, so you should come and get him. There's a catch; I'm holding the kid for ransom. You pay the toll or your precious baby bird dies.'

'You have an hour to find his location and deliver the three million dollars. If you don't do as you're told the kids going to blow up, literally.'

'Make up your mind Bats it's you or the kid. Your choice, it's not like your little bird is going insane at this very moment.'

'Ha, maybe he is, who knows.'


'Signed, The one and only'

"This just went from bad to worse as." Said Batman

"You said it Bats... you said it." Was all Robin could say


Dun dun dun

Will Danny survive

Are mad that I did not update sooner *throws a chair*


Find out in our next episode

And until then

See ya'll next time

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