Tommy Shelby - Not good enough

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He had messed up. Big time. He had messed up the only good and stable thing that he had in his life. He cheated on you, with Grace. Why did he do that you may ask? He was "caught up in the moment and too drunk to realise". That was the excuse he had given you when you found them together.

You had just returned from a trip to London. You were helping Ada with Karl as she was struggling on her own . You had missed the mischievous little boy. He was exactly like his uncles in some ways. He had John's lopsided smirk, Arthur's hair, Ada's eyes and Tommy's smile.

Tommy Shelby smiling. It was a rare occurrence since he returned from the war, but it was always your favourite. When he smiled and he was genuinely happy, his whole face lit up and a sparkle in his eye returned, only for a split second.

You had stepped off the train and looked around for a familiar face. You weren't looking for long as you saw Finn bound up to you. Like a kid on a sugar high. You laughed at him as he pulled you into a hug before taking his cap off. "I've missed your ugly face Y/N". You playfully punched his shoulder as he laughed at you and swung an arm around your shoulder, urging you to walk. He was so much taller than you despite being so much younger, Which he'd always tease you about. "How's our Ada anyway? She good?" You nodded at him in response.

Your eyes continued to glance around the station, hoping Tommy had come to pick you up like he promised. Finn noticed and answered the question that was in your head. "Tommy's at 'ome, I'll drop ya off if ya like" finishing his sentence with a warm smile. "Yeah that would be nice, thanks Finn" you ruffled his hair the best that you could because he was so tall. He laughed at you and shrugged your hand off. "Last one to the car loses" he shouted at you before disappearing into the sea of people.

You smiled to yourself before chasing after the young boy, trying not bump into people as you went.

By the time you got to the car, Finn was already there and the car was started, ready to go. "You cheated!" You exclaimed, causing him to giggle. "Nah you're just a slow ass" winking at you as you got in the car. You huffed in response before you let a smile cover your face.

"See ya later Y/N! The rest of the peaky boys are looking forward to seein ya" you waved Finn off as you stood looking up at the huge house that stood in front of you. You were excited about seeing Tommy. It had been 2 weeks since you last saw his icy blue eyes. The same eyes that made you fall in love with him. You couldn't wait to hold him again and hear him whisper sweet nothings in your ear.

You walked through the door, not bothering to knock. You never did. You turned down one of the long corridors to see one of Tommy's many maids. "Ah hello Miss Y/N, how was your trip to London?" you smiled a warm smile at her. "The trip was really good thanks, it's good to get out of Birmingham for a bit. Is Tommy in his room?" she nodded at you as you gave a small thanks and retreated to the stair case.

Getting closer to Tommy's room you heard noises. Moans and groans like he was injured. Fearing the worst, you burst into his bedroom to make sure he wasn't hurt. He wasn't but the sight that you saw certainly hurt you. Your heart broke. There he was, on top of Grace fucking Burgess.

A small sob escaped your mouth as you tried to stop a river of tears flowing. Tommy heard the sob and so had Grace,their activities came to a halt when they noticed you stood in the doorway. "Oh sorry, did I interrupt?" You snapped bitterly at the pair who sat speechless in front of you. "Please, do carry on" you spat sarcastically as you turned to walk back out of the bedroom.

"Y/N, wait, please" Tommy jumped up and grabbed your shoulder to stop you from leaving. You spun around and pushed his arm away from you. "Wait? You want me to fucking wait? Why Tommy? So you can tell me some bullshit about it not being what it looks like?!" You stopped, fearing another set of tears would make themselves known. "You wanna know what it looks like Tommy? It looks like you were having the time of your life exploring the new barmaid, now correct me if I'm wrong but that is what you were doing isn't it?"

Tommy stayed silent, he stared at your tear stained checks and listened at the sound of his heart breaking and yours. You laughed at him "Of course I'm right, I'm going back to London. I'm going to stay with my brother. Let's just hope I don't tell him what you've done Thomas because you know what Alfie Solomons is like." Tears threatened to spill once again and Tommy saw, it broke his heart even more. "I'm not good enough for you Mr Shelby, I never was" He opened his mouth to protest but you cut him off "karma is a bitch, Thomas Shelby. And I hope it bites you right in the arse"

You stormed off out of the room leaving Tommy stunned, tears threatening to spill from his eyes. He had lost you. For good.

Moments later you stormed back into the room and stood at the door of the bed, staring directly at Grace. "No wonder all the men back in Ireland loved you if this is the service you provided for them" you stormed back out the room with a small smile on your face with what you had just said. The smile soon faltered when the past few moments kept replaying in your head.

Tommy had got rid of Grace after the second time of you storming back into the room. With you being related to Alfie Solomons he knew what you could be like and he knew the worst would happen if she had stayed. Tommy sat on the edge of his bed,listening to the sound of his already broken heart break into more pieces. He hurt you. One thing he'd promised he'd never do.

So that was my second imagine, please vote if you like them and please comment with more ideas and feedback

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So that was my second imagine, please vote if you like them and please comment with more ideas and feedback. Thanks for reading!❤️

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