Tommy Shelby - The Truth Is Out

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*REQUESTED by Nicolelovesya01 *

"Arthur fuckin Shelby,did you use the rest of my teabags?!" You stormed into the little room in the garrison. You had woken up pretty early because Arthur needed help with something and all you wanted was a cup of tea before you started your day. Only to find that there were no teabags left.

Arthur flashed you a smile and stood up for a hug, you rejected him and glared at John who was now laughing at your angry face and bed hair.

"I got you a present" Arthur reached under the table and brought out a brand new box of teabags. You squealed and snatched them off him quickly,saying thanks and giving him a hug. Tommy scoffed and took a drag of his cigarette,Your eyes flickered over to him and you inwardly rolled your eyes at the blue eyed man.

You and Arthur had been bestfriends since you were teenagers. You had saved him from getting his ass kicked by a bunch of girls that he had accidentally pissed off and since then the two of you had been inseparable. You got along with the Shelby family quite well,except Tommy. You didn't know what you had done to make him hate you but he hated you a lot. Every time you were around each other,there would be snarky comments or glares and you were sick of it because in fact you had a little crush on him but you were never going to tell him that.

"Problem Thomas?" You asked him sweetly he rolled his eyes and took another drag of his cigarette.

"Yeah there is,teabags aren't really important are they? Grow up and stop acting like a fucking child" he spat.

"How dare you! Teabags are very important" you faked a look of shock and placed your hand on your heart.

"You aren't needed here for anything, in fact you're not needed at all so just fuck off,yeah?"

"Damn them for what they did to you in France,Thomas Shelby" making sure you had the teabags,you stormed out of the Garrison,heading home for a well needed cup of tea.

About an hour later there was a frantic knock on your door. But Before you could answer,the door swing open and in ran Finn.

"Hey Y/N, Arthur needs you. He's in Tommy's office in the betting den" he rushed out and ran back out of your house. You sighed but made your way across the street towards the betting den. Nobody was in as it was closing time,maybe he needed help adding some stuff up.

"What do you need Arthur? Oh it's just you" tommy was the only one in the office and as soon as he saw you,his face dropped. You headed back towards the door but it was slammed in your face.

"You two are staying in here until you sort whatever it is out between you both"The sound of the lock clicking could be heard as you heard the voice of your bestfriend die down and footsteps walking away.

"Fucking hell" tommy muttered and rolled his eyes.

"It's not exactly a treat for me either Thomas and if you carry on rolling your eyes then they're gonna roll right out of your head" you crossed your arms and leaned against the door,facing Tommy. A small smile appeared on his face.

"That's what my mother used to say" you could see him reminiscing about his mother,a look of sadness and happiness apparent on his face. A smile ghosted itself on your lips but was quickly wiped away.

"What did I do Tom?"

Thomas was snapped out of his thoughts and his attention was on you once again.


"What did I do to make you hate me so much?" Your eyes dropped to the floor and Thomas immediately stood up at your question. He made his way around his desk and leaned on the front.

"I don't hate you,it's the complete opposite actually. I'm not really good with words or feelings but I knew you deserved better so I thought if you ignored me then it would be easier for me but I was wrong"

Your mouth hung open at his words. You were definitely not expecting that. You tried to string together a sentence but your mind was blank,you were still shocked. Tommy let out a small chuckle and walked towards you,only stopping when your noses touched.

"I love you" he whispered and connected his lips to yours. He quickly pulled away when you didn't return any action,taking a step back he studied your face looking for an answer.

"I love you too Thomas Shelby" you pulled him closer and melted into his lips.

You heard the lock click again and the door swung open causing you to fall on the floor with Tommy hovering over you. A few cheers erupted from Arthur,John and Finn.

"Told you that he loved her John,I know my bestfriend and brother better than anyone" Arthur jeered. You could feel your face heating up and tried your best to cover your face which Tommy found adorable. He moved a piece of your hair and tucked it behind your ear.

"Here,I'll help you hide your face" he whispered before he connected his lips to yours once again.

"Here,I'll help you hide your face" he whispered before he connected his lips to yours once again

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I tried my best with this one so I hope you guys like it!

ILY all✨🌹

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