Tommy Shelby - I've always got your back

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*REQUESTED BY BubbleBaby893 *

The room was quickly filled with cries of the beautiful baby boy that Ada has just given birth too

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The room was quickly filled with cries of the beautiful baby boy that Ada has just given birth too. Her deep breaths got slower as she regained her breath and looked into her baby boy's eyes for the very first time. You,Esme and Polly watched as little Karl squirmed in his mother's grip and grasped onto her finger in his tiny little hand.

The door burst open and in ran Freddie,thanks to Tommy calling a truce he was able to be there. Yes,he missed the birth but at least he was there now. It was barely five minutes before the door flung open again and coppers ran in and grabbed Freddie,arresting him. Ada and the other girls screamed at the coppers to let him go but he was dragged out of the room,kicking and shouting.

Polly stood up,her face was like thunder as she stormed out of the room. You knew exactly where she was going and it wasn't going to end well. You quickly rushed to your feet,giving Ada's hand a reassuring squeeze before rushing after Polly.

"It's a boy" Polly stated as she stormed through the doors of the Garrison,you were following quickly behind and saw Tommy's face light up but the smile quickly dropped when Polly ran over to him,attempting to hit him. He quickly caught her hands and tried to calm her down but she wasn't listening. You let your hand rest gently on her shoulder and pulled her away from him.

"But the police came and took his father away!" Tommy's eyes widened as he glanced at John and Arthur who had now joined them.

"Don't you dare look at me like that" Tommy opened his mouth to say something but now words would leave. Tears pooled at the bottom of his eyes as Polly spat at his feet.

"You liar" she seethed as John and Arthur escorted her out of the bar,both of them gave Tommy one last look as they shook their heads and left the bar. Your eyes quickly glanced at the barmaid who had been watching the whole thing. There was something off about her but you didn't know what it was.

"I...I didn't" Tommy started,staring straight at you,hoping that his tears wouldn't fall. You gave him a sympathetic smile and ushered him to the back room,grabbing a bottle of whiskey and giving the barmaid one last glare.

You sat Tommy down and poured him a drink. He quickly necked it back and ran his hands over his face.

"I didn't do it,Y/N. I know they all think I did but I didn't" you scooted closer to the Shelby and rubbed his back in a comforting way.

"I know you didn't Tom,I could see it in your eyes. They'll come round,I promise but for now,I've got your back" Tommy gave you a smile to which you returned.

"Now,let's get fucking drunk" you gave him a cheeky smirk and raised your glass,giving him a wink and quickly downing your drink.

A couple hours had passed and you were both a bit tipsy,Tommy had more too drink than you but you could both handle your drink. Somewhere in the few hours that you had been drinking and talking,Tommy had gotten closer and closer to you. He turned his head and met your gaze,looking at your lips and back to your eyes,he leaned and planted a sloppy kiss on your lips. It started to get a bit heated,Tommy's hand trailed up your leg and underneath your dress. You smiled into the kiss before pushing Tommy's hand away and separating yourself from him.

"I don't put out on the first date,Mr Shelby. I'm not that easy" you have him another little wink and rested your forehead on his. He planted another kiss on your lips.

"Tomorrow. Another date. I'm not asking" he whispered to you,causing you to smile again.

"Yes Boss" you whispered back,connecting your lips once again.

Hope you guys like this one? Let me know what you think.

Should I do a face reveal?🤔
Also,go to this link and ask me anything you want!🙂

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