Michael Gray - New Kid In Town

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The smoke and fog settled over small heath like a suffocating blanket, you strolled down the crowded streets, adding to the smoke as you smoked your fifth cigarette of the morning. Side by side with Tommy Shelby.

You weren't a Shelby by name but people still feared you like you were one. Your jet black hair fell effortlessly in curls framing your face, your dark blue eyes striking fear into anyone that dare stare at you for too long. You were gorgeous but all the men knew to look and never touch.

Tommy Shelby was your partner in crime, he had been ever since you had saved his life when the lee boys had attacked. Of course he swore you to never tell anyone but from that day you were partners. Tommy ran everything by you before he did anything. Well, most things anyway. He hadn't told you that he had to gone find Polly's son until after he came back. You didn't mind much because it wasn't that important but you still liked to be involved.

You reached watery lane and the street was empty apart from two figures further down the street. As you got closer you realised one was Polly and one was a boy about the same age as you. You and Tommy came to a halt as you stood in front of the pair.

"Alright Pol? You look a mess" you spoke as you exhaled the smoke and blew it in the direction of Tommy. She glared at you and slapped your arm. Throwing a cheeky wink her way you proceeded to look the young boy up and down. He wasn't bad looking, in fact he was pretty cute but he definitely didn't belong in Birmingham, he seemed to posh for the dirty city.

"You Michael?" The boy nodded at you as you took another drag of your cigarette, you offered it over to him and he politely declined. You laughed lightly as you threw it on the ground and stamped on it. All three of them gave you a questioning look "he's definitely to posh for us, give it a few week and you'll be smoking twenty a day" Tommy grinned lightly while Polly was stood emotionless, probably still shocked that he was actually in front of her.

You stepped closer towards Michael, eying him up and down. He took his cap off and ruffled his hair, you watched him as you tried now to let an "awe" escape your mouth at how cute he looked. "John and the others will help you find a new suit and everything cus this one's a bit....." you trailed off trying to think of the right word "childish?" Tommy piped up, you turned and made a finger gun at him "exactlyyy" Tommy chuckled at the action.

"My mum picked it out for me" You let out a snigger at his answer "that explains it" you whispered under your breath. You walked passed the boy, patting his cheek as you went "we'll sort you out boy and then you'll fit in perfectly" you walked inside the house nonchalantly and slammed the door behind you.

"Wow" Michael breathed out, Tommy chuckled and made his way after you "yep, ain't she something" he replied

"Wow" Michael breathed out, Tommy chuckled and made his way after you "yep, ain't she something" he replied

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