Arthur Shelby - Moving On

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Arthur Shelby. The one man that you couldn't get out of your head. No matter what.

You and Arthur were together for a few years and it was the happiest time of your life. You would do everything together and everybody could see that you guys were in love, but when the work of the peaky blinders got more dangerous, Arthur decided to end it. He didn't want you getting hurt or killed because you were involved with a Shelby. You understood his reasons but it hurt to see him everyday and not be able to be with him so you moved down to London and left him behind.
"Hey Arthur? How much do you love me?" You grinned up at the Shelby as he raised his eyebrow at you.

"What do you want Y/N?" You laughed and hugged him, his arms immediately snaking around your waist. He gave a small chuckle before answering your question.

"Look up at the starts Y/N and count them" you both looked up at the starry sky and Arthur could see you trying to count them in your head, he let out a small laugh causing you to look up at him.

"The stars are endless though" you returned your gaze to the sky and heard arthur whisper in your ear.

"Exactly" you let a smile form on your lips. Arthur buried his head into your neck and let out a content smile.

"Arthur, I love you to the bottom of the sea" Arthur chuckled and you turned around and pouted at him. "What? The sea is deep" he let out another laugh and you punched him playfully which earned you another laugh.
It had been a few years since you had moved to London but you never forgot about Arthur. When you moved, you left behind your brother and you were missing him a lot so you decided to go and visit him.

After a few hours you were finally in Small Heath, Birmingham. You lit a cigarette,adding to the already polluted air. Taking a drag, you leaned your head back and blew the smoke out, watching it dance and twirl above your head.

"Y/N? Is that really you?" A gruff voice snapped you out of your mesmerised state, you leaned your head back the right position and your eyes landed upon a tall,handsome man in front of you. He was older but you could recognise those eyes and that smile anywhere.

"Arthur Shelby? Well I'll be" a smile found itself on his lips to which you mirrored as he pulled you in for a hug. You breathed in his scent;cigarette and whiskey. Not the best combination but it was familiar to you and you missed it more than you thought. He pulled away and stared into your eyes, his hands still on your shoulders.

"How've you been? It's been a while" you nodded and opened your mouth to speak when a shrill voice interrupted you.

"Arthur, who's this?" A blond woman hooked her arm around Arthur's and leaned into him, making sure she showed you her wedding ring. A sad smile rested on your lips. He had moved on. He was happy and you were in the past.

"I'm Y/N, I'm just an old friend. Anyway, I've got to get going. It was nice seeing you again Arthur and nice to meet you as well...." you trailed off, remembering that you didn't catch her name.

"Linda" she eyed you up and down which made you shift uncomfortably. Nodding at her you returned your gaze back to Arthur.

"You'll have to come and visit us again soon,Y/N. Me and the boys have missed you" the twinkle in his eyes always seemed to have you lost for words. You nodded and turned your back towards them, heading back down the street.

"Y/N wait!" You turned to face the Shelby boy that you were so deeply in love with. "To the bottom of the sea" he spoke,his eyes staring into yours,hoping that you would know what he meant. Your heartbeat quickened at his words. "Always" you whispered back to him and turned your back once more.

Arthur Shelby was the man of your dreams but he was happy and that's all you ever wanted for him. It was now your turn to move on but in the back of your mind there was still a hint of hope for you two.

 It was now your turn to move on but in the back of your mind there was still a hint of hope for you two

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