Finn Shelby - Scarlett Secret

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*Requested by @superwhogirl128 *

"How much money have we earned this month then,boys?" Tommy Shouted to no one in particular as he strolled through the doors of the betting den. It was suspiciously quiet compared to the usual hustle and bustle that the room contained on a Wednesday afternoon.

"Uhm, not much Tom" Finn exclaimed as he rushed over to his older brother, carrying the book to show him the bets that had been placed for the month.

Bets placed for:
The Winchester: 20
The Falcon: 15
Monaghan Boy : 5
Scarlett Secret : 75

Tommy pondered over the list, his frustration getting the better of him with every second that passed.

"Monaghan Boy keeps coming in the bottom, Scarlett secret has won every race for the past month" Tommy handed the book back to Finn and pulled a cigarette, lighting it and taking a drag before breathing the smoke out. Tommy sent a glance in John's direction who was counting the money.

"£50, that's all. I've asked around about the Scarlett, s'posed to be owned by the Santorelli family. One of the biggest mobs in America."

"Santorelli" Tommy repeated, the name leaving a foul taste behind. "So what are they doing over here?"

"They own some clubs in London, real popular" Finn piped up causing a smug smile to grace Tommy's features.

"Right then boys, seems like we're heading to London"

*skipping to when they get to the club because I'm lazy🙃*

As soon as the four Shelby brothers walked into the club, everyone fell silent. 3 large men in black suits and fedora hats, stood up from the bar and made their way to the front.

"We're here to see the big boss, care to put me in touch?" Tommy asked as the men approached, the 3 men shared a look and a small nod was exchanged before one of them walked outside, ushering everyone to follow him. The other 2 men forced the brothers to sit at a table, threatening that if any of them moved then they wouldn't be responsible for the actions that were used.

An hour and a half passed and the boys were still waiting for the boss to show, Arthur was getting rowdy and John was bored, Tommy's frustration levels kept on rising and Finn had no clue what he was supposed to be doing.

"I'm going to get some air, it's too stuffy in here" Finn stood up from the chair, earning a growl from one of the men, Finn rolled his eyes and continued to walk away before a strong hand was placed on his shoulder. "I'm only going to get some air, not burn the place down" he shook the hand off his shoulder and walked out the club doors.

A sigh elicited from his mouth as he slumped against the wall outside of the club. "Want one?" A voice rang out beside him. Finn turned his head to be met with the bluest eyes he had ever seen, they were darker than Tommy's but lighter at the same time. Her hair fell effortlessly in curls onto her shoulder and a blood red colour painted her lips. Finn gladly took the cigarette that the stranger was offering and watched as she lit it for him.

"I'm Finn" his voice rang out into the night as he watched her take a drag from her cigarette. She nodded and eyed him slowly making Finn shuffle his feet and avert his gaze.

"You from Birmingham?" She asked and watched as he gave a quick nod and let out a breath of smoke. "Here on business?" She questioned again to which again, he never replied, only nodded.

"Thanks for the cigarette but my brothers are waiting for me" she gave a curt nod and watched as the young Shelby hurried off around the corner.

"Miss, the Shelby's are getting impatient" a voice beside you said.

"Good" she threw the cigarette on the ground and took the hat and gloves from the boys. Placing the hat on her head, ever so gently and tilting it to the right, she headed for the doors of the club, coat flowing behind her in the winter wind.

"Sorry to keep you waiting boys" her voice rang through the club, the thick American accent making an appearance as she pulled on her red leather gloves. Her signature look.

"Finally good to meet you, sir" Tommy stood up from his seat and nodded his head at you. Even though it couldn't be seen underneath the hat, a small smile appeared on the young girls face. Everybody always assumed she was a man.

"Nice to meet you too, Mr Shelby" her head lifted and her eyes met with Tommy's.

"Oh for fucks sake" Arthur shouted and kicked his chair back "we waited almost two hours for the boss and he sends his fucking kid".

A little chuckle escaped her red painted lips and she stared the boys down. "Oh, I am the boss, Mr Shelby. I assume Sal and Nicky took good care of you"

John and Arthur let out a bellowing laugh, not being able to believe the words that they were hearing. "Don't test me boys, I may look innocent but I've tortured people in ways that you can't even imagine. You think your little razor gang is bad, take a step into my world for a day and you wouldn't make it out alive" her voice was laced with malice and hatred, the glare on her face hardened as she stared each one of them down before settling her gaze on the young boy that she met outside.

"Oh Finn, it's such a shame you're a Shelby. You actually seemed decent. Now, I'm assuming you're here about your little horse? Heard he's not doing that well. That's a real shame, honestly but I have more important matters to tend too"

Tommy tried to open his mouth to speak but everytime he did, he was cut off by a finger to his mouth. "I'll have my boys escort you to the door. Have a safe journey home"

The boys grimaced and cracked their knuckles as they were escorted out, they couldn't do anything to a girl who was no older than their Finn. They would get their profits back and they would take her down, nobody knew her name so for now she was Scarlett.

Finn was mesmerised, he had never seen a girl like her before. She was powerful, beautiful and could Stand up for herself. It seemed like she wasn't scared of anything, yet she harboured a secret, that much he could tell. He wanted to learn of this secret, he wanted to know her. Even if that meant betraying his brothers.

I really tried with this one so I hope you guys like it! Please leave opinions and please request more imagines!

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