Tommy Shelby - Brother's Best Friend

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*requested by Nicolelovesya01 *

A brother / sister bond is a very special bond,mainly because they grew up together and know each other inside and out. Being of opposite gender, a brother gets to know more about a girls psyche by having a sister. Likewise, the sister can come to know more about men and their nature. A brother and sister pair can mutually help each other to stay strong and provide immense emotional support for each other. The elder person can always stand as a pillar of support for the  younger sibling and help make their life easier. Brother and sister bonds involve the closest levels and that is exactly what makes these bonds so unique.

Growing up,you were close with all of your brothers but there was one in particular that you were the closest with - Tommy. Ever since a young age, you always had a special bond with Tommy,one that you didn't have with any of the other boys. No matter what happened,you could always count on him to be a shoulder for you to cry on,a helping hand, a pick me up or just an ear for you to vent too.

As you grew older,wherever Tommy went,you went. You could often be found hanging around with him and his best friend,Freddie Thorne. But the more time you spent with Tommy and Freddie,the more you started to develop a crush on your brother's bestfriend. You swore to yourself that you would never act on your feelings,Tommy was one of the most important people in your life and you didn't want to upset him by being with his friend. You stuck to your promise but when you hit 18,Freddie confessed his feelings for you and you couldn't stay away any more.

You tried to avoid Freddie as much as possible in an effort to kill any feelings but Tommy started to get suspicious as to why you were no longer hanging out with them, so it was back to spending every day with him and Freddie. Tommy never noticed the glances that were thrown between you and Freddie or the constant look of longing that was written on your faces. In a way you were glad because what he didn't know wouldn't hurt him but you felt guilty because Tommy was the one person you could always tell anything too and it almost felt as if you were lying to him.

"Bye boys, I'm off out" you shouted as you quickly grabbed your bag and ran out of the door leaving your brothers to do whatever it was they were doing.

"Wait,Y/N! Where are you going?" Tommy yelled after you but you were already running down the street and don't hear him. You turned the corner and made sure none of your brothers saw where you were going before taking a short cut to the river.

"You made it,I was beginning to think you weren't coming" Freddie smiled at you and placed his hands on your hips before leaning down to give you a sweet kiss.

You and Freddie has decided that you couldn't stay away from each other any longer so for the past few weeks,you had been meeting in secret and the times you were with Freddie,it felt like you were in heaven.

"Don't you think we should tell Tommy soon? I don't want to be sneaking around with you anymore. I want to show you off and show other guys that you're mine" Freddie cuddled you into him and kissed the top of your head.

"We can't tell him,Freddie. Not yet. You know how protective he is of me. He'll kill you"

Freddie chuckled and leaned his head back "he won't do nothing,I'm his bestfriend"

Rolling your eyes,you have Freddie one last kiss before standing up to leave. "Make sure you cover that up" Freddie pointed at the mark he left on your neck and winked at you causing you to slap the back of his head.


"Where the fuck have you been? You've been gone for hours" Tommy three his newspaper on the table and stood up to give you a hug when you finally stepped through the door.

"Sorry Tom,I was just out and lost track of time" Tommy nodded as he pulled away from the hug,accidentally moving your hair that was covering part of your neck.

"Care to tell me what that is" he pointed to your neck and immediately you felt your heartbeat race and your hands clammed up.

"Oh Uhm,it's just a rash. I've had it for a couple of days now. I need to go change" Tommy slowly nodded and crossed his arms as he watched you hurry upstairs. Tommy wasn't stupid,he knew exactly what it was. He was hurt that you wouldn't tell him the truth and he knew that if he asked you if you were dating someone that you would tell him to stop being stupid. If you weren't going to tell him then he was going to find out on his own.


A week had passed and you were still embarrassed about Tommy seeing the mark on your neck so you made Freddie swear that he wouldn't make them visible anymore. You would still sneak out to see him but what you didn't know was that Tommy had made his peaky boys keep an eye on you and they were to report back to Tommy to tell him where you were going.

"Tommy, it's about Y/N. She's at Freddie Thorne's house"  Tommy felt his frustration raise at the peaky boy's words but he quickly nodded and grabbed his coat before heading to Freddie's house.

He arrived in under 5 minutes and instead of knocking, he walked straight in the house. He heard the sound of you giggling and telling Freddie to stop causing Freddie to laugh as well. Tommy leaned against the door and waited for you to notice him but you never did.

"Fucking hell" he said causing you both to stop abruptly and stare at Tommy. Immediately you stood up and felt your face flush red.

"Freddie Thorne. Seriously,Y/N? It's a good job I had you watched"

You scoffed and felt angry at your brother "you had people spy on me? Seriously Tommy?"

"Well I knew you wouldn't tell me who you were dating so I had to find out yourself" Tommy crosses his arms and glared at his former bestfriend.

"This is the reason. This is why I would tell you Tommy. I love that you are so protective of me but I knew that as soon as you found out about me and Freddie then you'd put a Stop to it. I love him Tommy"

Tommy's eyes widened at your words, he was silent for a few minutes before heading towards you and brought you in for a hug "I'm sorry,Y/N. I should trust you more and I need to realise that if you need me then you'll come to me"

"I'll always need you Tommy" you whispered into his shoulder before pulling away and letting a soft smile rest on your face.

"And you" Tommy pointed towards Freddie causing him to sit up right " if you hurt her in any way,shape or form then I won't hesitate to blow your brains out. That isn't a threat,that's a promise" Freddie gulped and nodded quickly.

Tommy sent one last glare to Freddie before heading out of the house,making sure the door slammed shut behind him.

"Guess we don't need to sneak around anymore and I don't need to hide the marks"Freddie gave you a smirk causing you to slap him playfully.

"That could have gone so much worse" you let out a breath that you didn't know you were holding and promised yourself that you were going to have a long talk with Tommy when you returned home.

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