Chapter 13

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I heard a knock on the door so I ran towards it hoping it was Tamia.

"Whats happe-... bae you crying?" She asked walking in as soon as I opened the door.

I looked at her as I fought back my tears.

"Baby?" She said as her voice broke. "Why you crying , whats up?" She asked as she led me to the chairs in the kitchen.

I wiped the tear that slowly fell down my cheek. "They gone man." I told her as my voice broke.

"Whos gone?" She whispered , wit a hurt expression on her face.

"My Mom and Dad T , they died a couple days ago in a car crash."

She covered her mouth as tears came running down her face and immediately pulled me in for a hug. I stiffened up in her hold. I aint wanna show her my emotions , but this is hard man. The pain I felt in my chest now was unbearable , I jus' knew I had to stay the man and hold Kiyah together.

"Im so sorry." She cried.

"Its coo' man , ion even wanna hear alla' dat"

She hugged me longer before breaking the hug. "Oh my god , wheres Kiyah? Where is she? Is she wit King? Does she kno'" she panicked as she wiped her tears.

"She upstairs. But she hurting differently man , im worried man , she only got me now. And yeh I kno' she got chu and she got King but family? Im all she got T." I explained to her.


My heart broke as I watched Kiyone. You could see the pain not only in his face but you could hear it in his voice. Now I know im not gon be able to bring back Maria and Travis , ima fo'sure try my best to make these two stronger.

"I understand baby. Its gon be okay alright." I told him as I rubbed his back. "Come get rest , you lookin' a lil like me." I joked with him , causing him to chuckle. I watched him as he layed himself on the sofa , getting cosy wit a blanket.

I took a deep breath before making my way up the stairs and towards Kiyahs room. I felt so selfish crying , so I wiped my face and prepared myself before walking in. I listened to her soft cries as she blew her nose. I slowly opened the door making my presence known.


Kiyah wiped her tears and sat up on her bed. I tried , i really tried to hold back my tears but seeing her red puffy eyes , and snotty nose and red cheeks really broke my heart. I couldnt control my tears...

"Tamia." She cried out , Without hesitation I ran towards her wrapping my arms around her cold body.

"Im so sorry K" I cried.

The room was silent between us as Kiyah let all her tears out onto my shoulder. I rubbed on her back to comfort her.

She pulled herself away from me and wiped her face.

"When did you get here?" She asked me.

"About 20 mins ago , Kiy messaged me to come round."

"Wheres Kiy?"

"Hes sleep... on the couch." She nodded her head in response.

The room was silent as I watched Kiyah fiddle wit a bracelet. It was a beautiful bracelet , I aint ever see it on her before.

"This is beautiful K." I told her as I held her wrist in my hand. She smiled down at it.

"King got me it for my birthday." She told me before she cried again. "I was so rude to him today."

I furrowed my eyebrows at her.

"T I knew su'um was wrong. My mom didnt message me yesterday , on my fuckin' birthday yo? I wasnt tripping. How am I gon' tell King , I cant let him see me like this."

"Wha chu mean? You cant shut him out K."

She looked at me before gettin' into her bed. "You right."

"Get some sleep , im gon come by in the mornin. I love you." I told her as I kissed her cheek.

"Love you too." She mumbled into her pillow.

I left her room and made my way to Kiyone , seeing that he was asleep on the sofa. I lent down to kissed his lips.

"I love you Kiy." I whispered.


Loving My Thug | BandhuntaIzzy & Zonnique❤️Where stories live. Discover now