Chapter 35

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The room was silent ...

We was all caught off guard by the vomit that just came pouring out off Kiyones mouth.

"Damn Kiy." Tamia mumbled as she rubbed his back.

"Man this shit fucked up." He cried.

I was speechless ... at this point I didnt know how too feel.

King cleared his throat and made his way too the door "Ay , im sorry - ion really ermm- as yall can see we need some ... privacy ... so erm-"

He was quickly interrupted by his mother rushing in the door "Sorry im late ... I was - what the fuck."

"Glad you made it." King rudely said , the party started hours ago and she arrived at the complete wrong time.

"Ki-" as she rambled on she wiped her nose numerous times causing King too screw up his entire face.

"Mom you been on them drugs shit again?" He quietly asked her.

Her face completely dropped "son ofc-"

"Man fuck all that , ay take my mom home on yall way out." He rudely said to the boys as he walked away.

"Stay straight." Maurice said as he side hugged Kiyone and blew a kiss too Kiyah.

"Ay take Ace too." King added as he called his name.

Everyone left out apart from Kiy , Tamia and ... my grandparents , where are my grandparents?

"Nana and paps." I quietly said , in the state im in my voice was croaky as hell.

"What?" T asked me once she finished cleaning up Kiyones puke. "What you say Kiyah?"

I slowly looked up at her but was glued back too my mom once I felt her hand on mine.

"Mama?" I cried. "Can you hear me mom?"

"Ay she cant stay on the floor." King said as he gently picked her light body up and took her too a sofa in one of our spare rooms.

I looked behind me to see Kiy standing in the corner of the room with his eyes shut "Shall we shower her or something " i asked "get her comfortable and in warm clothes before anything else?"

Tamia nodded to my suggestion and helped me walk my mom ... who I thought was dead too the bathroom.

"You want me too stay or you capable?" She asked

I gave her a smile to reassure her that I can cope.

"Il be out here ... with Kiy." She said as she planted a kiss on my cheek.

"Okay momma." I said.

I stripped her thin body and tied up her dirty hair and sat her down on our shower chair.

"What happened to you mom." I quietly said to myself as I ran the water down her dirty skin , revealing the caramel colour she was.

I let her hair go down also so I could wash any dirt out of that.

Once I see her clear beautiful face , my heart broke ... A whole year I thought my mama died ... and turns out shes here right now... I didnt really know how too react but I know somewhere inside I am overwhelmed ...

"Can you speak too me mom?" I asked as I scrubbed soap gently on to her skin.

I was caught totally off guard by the tears that came pouring down her face making my heart melt.

"I love you." She quietly said.

"I love you too mom , i really do." I explained.

"Iv got so much to tell you..." my mom doesnt even know She is a grandmother.

Loving My Thug | BandhuntaIzzy & Zonnique❤️Where stories live. Discover now