The Perfect Morning

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Sherlock woke up to the most perfect morning. The sunlight poured through the tiny crack in the dusty brown curtains that hung on the wall across from him, illuminating the beautiful sight that was John Watson, sound asleep in his arms. A content look upon his dormant face as he gained some much needed rest.

Sherlock looked down at the other man, smiling as he reminded himself that John was all his. And he was very grateful of that.

Over the years, Sherlock had been bullied, hated and abused by most people he met. But John was different. John saw the real Sherlock and appreciated him for who he was.

To John, Sherlock wasn't a freak or a psychopath, he wasn't an obnoxious arsehole or even a complete dickhead (even if he had called him that once or twice).

To John, Sherlock was brilliant and amazing and every other word you can think of along those lines. Not to mention absolutely bloody gorgeous.

Sherlock held John tighter as he marvelled in the fact that this man here, could make him smile, laugh, cry and everything else that that he had forgotten how to do. This beautiful man bought the real Sherlock back to life again, and reminded him how to feel. How to love, how to be loved.

Now they shared that love together. And Sherlock hoped they always would, for the rest of eternity. His emotions had been resurrected, and he never wanted them to die again.

Sherlock had finally found that one person who could melt the ice in him, and bring back the sunshine, and he never wanted to let him go.

He leant down so his face was inches away from Johns and whispered "I love you, John Hamish Watson." Before placing his soft lips to the other mans smooth cheek.

A smile grew on Johns face, he couldn't help it. He slowly opened his eyes and turned around to face Sherlock. He was taken aback by how stunning he looked in the morning light. His eyes, full of passion and emotion and love. A small smile formed his his face too, as John whispered in reply, "I love you too, William Sherlock Scott Holmes,"

He inched forwards so their lips were almost touching before finishing, "and I always will, for the rest of my life."

He kissed him, there and then. Just a little kiss. But to Sherlock it was way more than 'just a kiss'.

It was a way to release their feelings and share them with one another.

It was a bond, between only the two of them, that neither of them wanted to break.

It was a way to prove to John he loved him and it was conformation that John felt the same.

And if that doesn't constitute a perfect morning, then I don't know what does.

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