Chapter 6: The french knight of Hong-Kong/Part 2

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" ":You talking

' ': You thinking

[ ]: Stands names

Your POV:

We were all still inside of the restaurant, facing that new enemy.

Abdul: That was some nice use of the sword.

Abdul: You said you were going to kill me before the clock strikes 12 ? Aren't you a little cocky Mr...

French guy: Let me tell you my name, it's Polnareff, Jean-Pierre Polnareff.

Abdul: Thank you. It's rude of me not introducing myself...but...

Abdul then swung his hand toward the table, and the flames suddenly burned the bottom half of the table, like it was cut clean.

Joseph: Abdul's stand just burned the bottom half of the table with a swing of his hand !

"I never thought fire could do a clean cut like that"

Abdul: Mr. Polnareff, do not think my flames are like fire in nature: only moves up or go where the wind blows.

Abdul: I am called [MAGICIAN'S RED] because the flames obey my will.

Polnareff: I see...When the world began, it was surrounded by flames.

Polnareff: It is appropriate that you are the first card "the magician" symbolizing the beginning of the world created by flames.

Polnareff: But you say that I am cocky ?

He dug in his pockets, showing us some coins before tossing them.

Polnareff: That I am...Just boasting ?!

With a swift movement of his sword, his stand managed to skewer every coin.

Joseph: He pierced all the coins in the blink of an eye !

"Wait, what is that between the coins ?"

Looking closer, we saw something glowing on his sword.

Abdul: I see, my flames are stuck between the coins.

Polnareff: You seem to understand that I am not bragging. My stand can even cut flames. Cutting through air, creating spaces between spaces, meaning your fire is absolutely useless before my silver chariot.

He then proceeded to leave the place, just as one of the customers finally noticed the fire.

"Hey wait up !"

Abdul: Where are you going ?

Polnareff: "The chariot" symbolizes invasion and victory. In a crowded place like this I can easily win, but your stand's flame ability can only show it's might in a more open space, yes ? Defeating you on your own ground will suit my stand's victory.



"Where are we ? What is this place ?"

"Where are we ? What is this place ?"

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