Chapter 49: Betting everything

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

[ ]: Stand's names

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Gambler: That's two down ! All right, let's continue ! Unless you want to run away leaving theses two.

Abdul couldn't hold down his rage anymore, and grabbed him by his collar.

Gambler: You still don't get it... If you kill me both of them will die.

Abdul: You son of a...

Jotaro: Stop it, Abdul !

Bartender: Hey ! What are you doing over there ?! If you want to fight, go outside !!

Jotaro: Mind your own business and stay behind the counter !

Jotaro started to examine the glass, and soon found out what caused Mr.Joestar's demise. A small piece of melted chocolate, that was under the glass.

Gambler: Heh heh heh heh... It's too late now, Jotaro.

Abdul: What is it, Jotaro ?

Jotaro: This is the reason it was able to take one more coin. it's melted now, but there was a little piece of chocolate under the cup. D'arby put it there before the game started, while he was inspecting the pieces.

Gambler: It's only cheating if you get caught.

Abdul: What the hell... ?! Why did a piece of chocolate allow one extra coin ?!

Jotaro: Although it's melted now. It was solid when it was beneath the cup earlier.

"I see, he put it there so the cup is a little tilted without us realizing that it's tilted. Once the chocolate melts, the surface flattens and can therefore accommodate one more coin."

Abdul: But... Why did the chocolate just happen to melt during D'arby's turn ?

"The sun melted it. We couldn't realize it at first, but he blocked the sun using his body. Then he shifted to the right side of the table, allowing the sun to melt the chocolate."

Shocked by this, Abdul let go of D'arby, who dusted himself.

Jotaro: Ok, D'arby, take out your cards. We're going to play some poker.

Abdul: Eh ?! JOTARO !!!!

Gambler: GOOD !!! An interesting move !! Poker is my strongest game !

Abdul: Poker ?! This guy even outsmarted Mr.Joestar !! It's going to be dangerous !

Jotaro: I know... He's a dangerous man. He doesn't use any violence... But he's more dangerous than any stand we've encountered. I have to go all out now.

Jotaro: Before we begin, I want to try something. Shuffle the deck.

He did shuffle the deck, with incredible dexterity and accuracy, while I was now trying to making Mr.Joestar stay alive as well as Polnareff.

Gambler: I did it... What now ?

Jotaro: Take out a card... Any card will do. Just don't let me see it.

Jotaro: Let me guess... 6 of hearts. I'll tell you the order from the top. 5 of spades, queen of diamond, jack of spades, ace of hearts, 7 of diamonds, 6 of clubs, king of clubs, 2 of diamonds.

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