Public Debut 2

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Walking into the room at the announcement of their arrival. Morgianna was amazed at how many people were in attendance. Though she did not show her amazement.

Over the past couple of years if she learned anything from her lessons it was how to hold a poker face.

Everyone in attendance was amazed by her elegance at such a young age. Some would even say she carried herself better than some of the grown women. Without looking around she made her way to the stage where her mother and father were standing waiting for her.

"Thank you all for attending my daughter Morgianna Bloodmoon, public debut. Drink, eat, and dance your fill and at midnight we will use the crystal to check her magical aptitude." With those words her father spoke it seemed the spell of seeing such beauty had finally been broken everyone's frozen state.

One by one nobles from many countries came forward to introduce themselves. Each time commenting on how beautiful Morgianna was and how impressed they were with how she acted. After all how many 6-year-olds could hold conversations with adults on the same level of maturity and knowledge?

After a couple of hours of talking and greeting guests Morgianna was feeling claustrophobic. *thinking* "how are there still so many guests to greet!"

Though her thoughts were in turmoil her face never lost its pleasant smile. Unknown to her that is why people wanted to keep coming up to her.

When there was finally a lull in the people approaching she batted her eyes at her father and in her most pleasant voice began to speak quietly. "Father may I take a few moments to freshen up and stretch my legs? I promise to return shortly so that I may continue to talk to the guests." She added one of her cutest smiles at the end to sweeten the deal.

Her father weak to her cuteness immediately agreed telling her to be back within the hour as it was getting close to midnight.

Morgianna slowly ascended the platform they were on and made her way to the door. She wanted to draw the least amount of attention to herself, lest some other guest tries to talk to her before she can escape.

She had been waiting all night worried the capture targets to walk up to her and she would have to greet them. However with each person that came up, that wasn't them the ball of worry did not lessen but instead got worse.

Were they waiting for last to make an impact? Why could they just not get it over with, like ripping a band-aid off? With those thoughts she needed some air. An escape from the crowded room in which it seemed every eye was on her.

Making her way to the back wall where she knew the hidden passageway was she looked around to make sure she was alone. Not seeing anyone she slipped out of the courtyard and into the surrounding forest. Unaware that there were eyes watching her hidden in the shadows.

Walking a short distance from the wall Morgianna pulled her dress around her legs so that she could comfortably sit on a fallen log. Breathing out a sigh of relief of being away from the crowds.

A sound behind her made her jump up and spin to look in that direction. Behind her stood a black wolf with familiar blue eyes.

"You came back!" Her fear quickly vanished replaced with a huge smile. "I did not get to finish checking on you last time I saw you, but I am glad to see you are alright."

The wolf stared at her before slowly walking closer, watching her reaction as if she might jump up and run away at any moment.

"If you are waiting for me to run, I am not. If you were going to hurt me you wouldn't have purposely made a sound so that I would turn towards you."

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