First Day Part 3

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Arriving at the courtyard, Morgianna saw several faces she wished she didn't. She wanted to curse her luck as it seemed like every single capture target was in her class, the only good thing was that Olive was also here. She did not see her brother which she saw as a blessing and a curse. If he was here she would have at least one more ally but if things went wrong it could put him in danger. She kept her head held high as she walked past everyone, making her way to her friend's side without talking to anyone. She knew eyes were on her as whispers once again found their way to her ears.

"I heard she is being bullied? Poor girl, I feel bad for thinking badly of her before I met her." "I can see why the Princes would want to protect someone like her, even though she has all that power she didn't lash out."

As Morgianna reached Olive's side she risked a glance around her to see everyone still taking glances at her. The princes were the exception as they stared at her without trying to hide it, only causing more whispers of their infatuation to circulate.

"Kill me now." Morgianna groaned and bent her head to her friend's shoulder.

Olive patted her back with a grin. "Oh woe is me, my name is Morgianna the girl who has multiple cute boys chasing me around and scaring off the big bad boogie men. Or I guess it would be woman?" Olive laughed making several students stare unabashedly as they tried to listen in to what was being said.

With a glad Morgianna pushed her friend before giving a small smile herself. "Changed my mind, don't kill me I'm sure they will get the job done just fine on their own." At Olive's 'Are you serious?' Look she shrugged laughing softly.

Suddenly the courtyard was filled with tension as everyone stopped talking to watch as two men approached. One was tall and lean with an almost graceful gait. He had a gentle smile that made some of the females in the class whisper in excitement. The other man looked like a boulder that had seen better days. His arms looked like they could snap a person in half with little to no effort and his face seemed to be etched into a permanent scowl. Where the first manmade girls swoon the second made people nervous.

 Where the first manmade girls swoon the second made people nervous

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As they arrived at their destination and stood in front of the students the larger of the two men began unbuckling the stash of weapons that he had strapped to his body, letting each one fall in front of the other

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As they arrived at their destination and stood in front of the students the larger of the two men began unbuckling the stash of weapons that he had strapped to his body, letting each one fall in front of the other. "I'm not a pack mule, carry your own stuff next time." He turned back to all of the students, his eyes taking in each face. Morgianna caught his eye and it seemed he looked at her a moment longer than the rest. "My name is Bartholomew Cain and I will be teaching you magic. This man standing next to me with the girly hair is named Silvus Jaeger and he will be teaching you about weapons."

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