Power, Foes, and I want to go home.

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The two new figures would emerge from the trees any moment, but before she could greet them Morgianna would need to take care of a pesky bug. Necro had just regained his footing and was looking around at the carnage that had been wrought on his babies. Never in his life had he ever been cast away so easily, and it terrified him. He, who surrounded himself with death daily was scared of dying. He looked at the hooded figure that floated several feet off the ground and shivered. After her display of power he realized that the only reason he was able to take her was because she allowed him to.

He wanted to back away, but as her eyes locked onto him he found his legs would not obey. All around him were gurgling sounds as his lovelies tried and failed to stand or crawl in his direction as if begging for him to save them. he felt a warmth run down his legs and wanted to cry, but still he could not budge.

"That is disgusting, aren't you supposed to be like super powerful to have raised so many things at once? Only children would pee themselves, die like a man." Her voice was cold, a complete contrast to how she had acted earlier. When she had released that first swing of her scythe it was like a dam had broken inside of her and power she was not prepared for came forward. She knew she was powerful, but she had never exerted so much at once and it excited her. "You killed how many people and creatures for your sick wants? Yet here you stand, covered in your own piss cowering."

She knew she had only a few moments to finish before she would be interrupted. She strode forward in the air as if she were walking on solid ground. Her scythe catching the errant rays of light as she walked and her hood casting a shadow on the part of her face that was visible.

"Do it, kill him." Morgianna jerked her head to the side to see someone she had not seen in a couple of years. Death. He looked at her, his face an impassive mask, but his eyes held a different story. They seemed to be filled with malice as he cast a look towards Necro who still stood grounded to his spot.

Morgianna stared into the bottomless pits that were Death's eyes and grinned. It was not a sweet grin that she gave to her friends and family, but one that promised blood. "Oh my, are you telling me to kill someone? The mighty Death who had told me not to mess with someone's life?"

He did not react to her words and only continued to stare at Necro. After several seconds of silence he finally spoke. "You were going dark for a second there, the death you had planned was going to affect your soul. It will never be clean with the blood that already stains it, but at least it would not be black. If the man must die, which he should, as nobody should be brought back after dying, then let it be quick. Do not draw it out." He raised his eyes to look at her and even with her hood it felt as if he were looking straight into her eyes.

She felt her hand on her scythe go weak. It is true, the power was like a rush straight to her brain. She had originally only thought to survive until her friend could join her, but after releasing that one burst she had felt her intentions shifting to something darker. If that is the price she had to pay to be strong, would she be willing to pay that price when the time came?

Nodding her head in Death's direction she turned her vision back to Necro. He had been staring at her in fear seeing her seeming to speak to herself. When her eyes once again locked onto him he felt as if ice was running through his veins. "For the sin of countless murders, then not even allowing the bodies to rest in peace, I sentence you to...Death. Burn in the fires of perdition." As she raised her scythe this time she exerted only a portion of her power. Blue flames erupted from the blade as she swung it down on him. He could only stand there as his imminent demise drew closer. For a brief second it felt as if time had slowed and he looked behind Morgianna. To his surprise standing where the girl had been talking to earlier stood a man. His face was a blank mask, all but his eyes who seemed to be...smiling. 'It seems I really did mess up this time' As that thought crossed his mind he felt the sharp metal pierce into his flesh and life as he knew it floated away.

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