Little Red and the Not So Bad Wolf

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Since the party, she had met Olive at she found she had hardly any time to herself. Myra was much friendlier, or at least as friendly as the woman could be. She would personally follow her around sometimes and ask if there was anything she needed or bring her, her favorite snacks.

Sometimes Morgianna could see the disappointment reflecting in Myra's eyes when she still had not told Fafnir about her past. She wanted to she just did not know how. As the days when by she felt even more guilty and just wanted to escape for a little while.

"Fafnir, will you go pick up a mission for us? I need to get out of the house for a little while." She knew he had seen how anxious she was lately and wouldn't question her too much. He was the most troublesome to sneak away from so it would be best if he was not at the castle at all.

He gave a slight now, his eyes sizing up her words. "As you wish, do not leave the castle until I return."

She let out a breath when she finally saw his figure leaving through the gates. He did not bother with a carriage as his wings would carry him to his destination in a quarter of the time.

She knew he would rush, never liking to be away from her for too long. He feared she would run off and get hurt, which was a valid fear seeing as how she plans to run off.

"Sophia, is Myra and Alnwick still practicing? Could you, help me prepare something for them to eat for when they are done? I would like to also invite Felix to a tea party when he returns home. Could you set everything up for me for that as well? I'm sorry for asking so much of you." She put on a frown and looked down. Sophia has always had a sweet spot for Morgianna but she knew the girl was planning something she just did not know what.

"Young miss, it is my job. I shall have things prepared accordingly." She did a slight now and excused herself. After she left she headed towards the guards stationed at the end of the hall. "If young miss leaves her room, inform me. Guard her as her normal guards are busy."

Both men nodded their agreement and trained their attention on the door of Morgiannas quarters.

Meanwhile on the other side of that door Morgianna was cursing internally. She knew Sophia was sharp but she did not expect the woman to go so far as to put eyes on her. She walked to her window and peered down. When she was younger her room had been on the second floor but over time she had worn her father down until he allowed her to pick a room on the fourth. She had found a room that had a hidden room off of it, though at the moment she did not know what to even use it for.

She regretted her decision to move rooms as she looked down at the ground several stories below. As a vampire her body would withstand more than when she was human but still she was not keen on the idea of dropping from this height. She had been practicing her wind magic over the years but she had never tried to move herself, just random objects when she was feeling lazy.

She looked back towards her door and debated on if she could sneak out using her darkness. However, with the guards explicitly looking for her the moment her door opened they would know something was up.

It was now or never. Cloaking herself in darkness she sat on her windowsill and stared down at the ground. 'If I die again I am gonna be so mad.'.  She pushed off and felt the air whistle past her face. She focused on slowing her descent and felt the air shift around her. In what was only a matter of seconds her feet touched the ground and she opened her eyes that she had shut tight. She was about to sigh in relief when she heard guards making their rounds.

Making her way over to the secret passage she held her breath and blended into the shadows waiting for the guards to pass and praying they would not notice her.

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