A Plan

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"YOU are Alnwick? Like the same name as the town?" Morgiannas eyes widened.

He gave a forced chuckle. "Yes, after all it was named after me." He bowed, his emaciated body still moving gracefully.

"If you were here when the town was formed then does that mean you are a magical beast?" She stretched her neck to get a better view of him. She hadn't seen it before she was looking for it, but he did seem like more than his humanoid shape.

"I have been unable to shift in almost a decade, but I am a Phoenix. I am tied to the man who calls himself the mayor, as I have always been. When he started messing with black magic it destroyed his ability to use natural magic. His mana is gone and therefore my supply is also gone. I am ashamed that I was unable to protect the town." He hung his head afraid to meet her eyes and see disappointment. She had been the first to offer him comfort or sympathy in years.

"What if I could help you break your tie with the mayor? Would you help me then? I could supply you with mana, or even allow you to be free." Her words caused his head to snap up in her direction.

"You are but a child, how could you have enough mana to supply to me?" He did not mean offense but was genuinely interested in her answer.

She giggled a real laugh the bell-like sound bouncing off the rocks and making music to his ears. "I am currently in a pact with a dragon... and if I'm being honest I have surprising magical abilities. I promise you I would be able to afford the mana." She never broke eye contact, showing the truth in her statement.

"How would you break the tie to the mayor then?" She saw his hands twitch as if he wanted to reach out and cut the ropes.

She twisted her hand so that the palm was facing him. The rope cut into her and she could feel that the skin had broken and spilt her blood. "Place your palm on mine." Most of her magic had been blocked by the ropes that bound her, but she should be able to muster enough to show him how serious she was. "When I met the dragon I told you about. He was cursed and chained inside a cave. I posses light magic and was able to break the bonds that had held him for centuries." As she finished speaking she let what energy she had accumulated flow through her hand.

It felt warm and happy. Like a summer day with clear skies and the perfect breeze. "It will be okay, I promise. He got the jump on me earlier but I will be able to stop him. With your help and my friends."

He was nodding his head as she spoke. He knew she was strong just by that show of magic. Though not a lot she was still able to form something. Nobody had ever been able to do any magic before once the ropes were on them. He had once tried to release someone, but in the end they were not strong enough to stand the ropes being broken and the backlash ripped their soul apart. Then the mayor beat him for ruining the ceremony.

"I can feel that you are strong. These ropes do more than just bind the person wearing them, they tether to their very soul. If the person is not strong enough when they are removed they will have a fate worse than death. That is why I did not try to help you sooner." He once again looked down in shame, he had seen many people laying where she is now and could not help them.

Morgianna felt her heart break for him.  To love something and be unable to help it until it was too late. "We do not have a lot of time before he returns, and if he gets ahold of my friend I fear we will too late."

He nodded producing a knife that was solid black with flecks that looked like stars dancing below the surface. "Are you ready? The pain will seem unbearable, but I have faith if someone will survive it will be you." He did not wait for her response and brought the blade down on the rope.

He didn't try to cut it, only laid the tip against it. She closed her eyes braced herself for the inevitable but felt nothing. Opening her eyes she was about to ask what went wrong when it felt like her whole body caught on fire. It started at her toes and quickly spread upwards to her head in a matter of seconds. She tried to grit her teeth to quell the screams she wanted to unleash.

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