First Day

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Morgianna woke before the sun had even rose, brushed her teeth and hair, and slipped into the uniform she had found in her wardrobe. Really for such an opulent school she was kind of disappointed in the uniform. It was plain, its colors black and white with no embellishments what so ever. When it came to differences between the male and female versions the only one was that the girls would wear a skirt or pants when it was cold and the boys would have the option of pants or shorts. The bottoms were solid black, in which it student would tuck their white button-up into. There was a black jacket to go over the shirt and a black tie to match. As Morgianna looked at herself in the mirror she grimaced. All that black on top of her already pale skin made her feel like she looked sickly. 

It made sense to make everyone wear black and white since that was none of the kingdom's colors, but still black just was not her color

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It made sense to make everyone wear black and white since that was none of the kingdom's colors, but still black just was not her color.

Making her way out of the room she peeked at olive who still slept soundly and smiled. The girl had kept her up for hours catching up on gossip and who met with who the first day of school. She was glad she could see her friend, but she worried that Olive would get dragged into her drama once Angeline started. Tiptoeing down the stairs Morgianna constantly looked around to make sure she was not being followed. 

*Two Days Before*

"I am so glad you came, I did not think I would have the chance to see you again before I left for school." Morgianna sat beside the small stream that had become her escape when she needed to get out of the castle walls.

Kieran in his wolf form watched her with conflicting thoughts. He had been at the academy for two years already and knew that she would be starting there this coming school year. He wanted to change right then and there and tell her but all the trust she had shown him... he knew it would all disappear the moment he did that. "Would you want to see me when you went to school?" His deep voice was huskier now that he was older. In his human form he was 16, a man in wolf standards.

Morgianna's eyes lit up in excitement before she frowned. "I would, but that is impossible. I cannot even take Fafnir with me. If you were to get caught on the school grounds you could get into a lot of trouble, I could not ask you to do that."

"You do not have to worry about that. They would have to catch me first." He said it jokingly to cover up the jealously he felt when she mentioned another guys name. He had never met this Fafnir person but Morgianna spoke of him often and always so positive. Meanwhile at his or any of the prince's names she would either speak of her fear of them or refuse to speak of them at all.

Putting her hand in the small stream Morgianna thought about what he had said. It would be a lie if she said she did not want to see him, but she could not have him put himself at risk. Just as she was about to tell him that she felt his breath tickle her cheek. She had been so caught up in her thoughts she had not felt him get close to her. She felt safe around him after all these years, truly he is who she would consider her first friend. She loved Fafnir like a brother, but in this world the first being she had spoken to outside of her home was the wolf in front of her. "Even if you tell me not to, I will come to the school and wait for you each morning in the woods on the east side of the Academy grounds. If you want to see me, come and find me."

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