Where Dragons Live Part 2

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As if things were moving in slow motion the forest around them come alive at the mention of Fafnir's name.

"Did he say Fafnir?"

"Has he come home to save us?"

"No, it cannot be him. He is dead!"

More and more voices rang out from all around them as Fafnir stood still his eyes locked on the man he had previously been ready to fight tooth and claw. As if he was not sure of his own legs Fafnir slowly lowered Morgianna to the ground but did not move away, keeping one arm around her shoulders. With a tentative step he moved forward pulling her along with him. "Fergus, is that you?" At Fafnir's question the man's eyes lit up with joy.

The man that Fafnir had called Fergus rushed to stand once more and rushed to scoop both Fafnir and Morgianna into a tight embrace. "Sora said that you were dead... just like Father and Favalor, and Fallon." The light in his eyes momentarily dimmed but quickly reignited as he held Fafnir out to look at him. "Mother will be glad that you are home, Finian is with her. We should go now before it gets dark."

He let go of the hug but immediately grabbed for Fafnir's arm as if intending to drag him to the next location.

Morgianna who had been watching the whole interaction had a pretty good idea of who the man was but felt introductions were in order. She stopped walking causing Fafnir to halt in his step and look at her. Without paying his questioning look any mind she focused on Fergus. "Hello, my name is Morgianna Bloodmoon. We have traveled quite a distance so I would appreciate it if you released my friends back to me before we follow you anywhere."

Her calm demeanor as she spoke almost distracted Fergus from the words she had said. Then all at once he remembered the instances that led up to him being reunited with his brother. Slapping his forehead he pulled his hand off of Fafnir and in a grand gesture that did not belong in such a dirty setting he bowed low. "My apologies for my behavior. My name is Fergus Nightwing, second son of Typhon and Eingana Nightwing and I am thankful for you bringing my brother home. Your friends are safe, we knocked them out but they should be waking soon."

It was just as Morgianna had thought, the man in front of her was one of the very people they were looking for. "Thank you, will you please take us to them. Also if you have any injuries from being thrown earlier I will heal them after I have checked on my comrades." At her words Fergus' eyes widened. He had just attacked her yet she offered to treat him if he was hurt. Fafnir just looked at them both with care in his eyes. He was just glad they were getting along, and he knew Morgianna offering to heal his brother was more for his benefit, showing that she did not hold any ill will towards his family.

Fergus smiled widely and gestured for them to follow him. As they walked Morgianna saw many figures hiding behind trees all trying to catch a glimpse of their lost prince. She felt awkward with all the eyes on them, but felt a little better they were mainly looking at Fafnir.

At the base of the mountain was a small opening, much like the one she had fallen through when she had met Fafnir for the first time. It was almost invisible even to the sharpest eyes, keeping intruders away from what was protected within.

The moment they passed through the dense foliage Morgianna and Fafnir found themselves in a long dimly lit tunnel lined with small torches. It seemed to stretch deep into the mountain and Morgianna could not even see the end with her enhanced vision. It was quiet, the only sounds that could be heard were their breathing as they continued forward into unknown territory.

Several minutes passed and it felt like they were getting nowhere, Morgianna wanted to complain to Fafnir when suddenly Fergus turned left and disappeared from view. It looked as if he had walked straight through the wall between two of the torches. Morgianna leaned forward and was about to reach her hand up to touch where he had disappeared when a hand came back through grabbing her eliciting a yelp in response. She had shut her eyes and threw her hands up expecting a harsh blow to befall her person, instead, she was met with a soft ample chest.

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