The Contest

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"Can you believe their underhanded methods to get at you?" Morgianna and Olive sat on Morgianna's bed as they discussed the upcoming contest. Olive was worried about her being teamed up with Angeline but she had tried multiple times to assure Morgianna that she would be fine. After all, how far would they really go? "I have my magic, but if they try to attack I will just run away until I can find you. You will have two of the princes with you, so I am sure everything will be fine."

Morgianna wanted to continue to argue about even letting her friend participate but knew that once Olive set her mind on something it would not change. Fine, but I am going to make you take something with you just in case." She had been working with her creation magic and found that if she tried hard enough she could make anything. Her newest thing she had focused on was a flare gun. Passing the gun to her friend she patiently explained how it worked. "If you find that you need me for anything, I want you to point it to the sky and pull the trigger. I do not care how far away I am, I will come to find you."

Olive listened intently not even questioning where the flare gun came from but obviously recognizing it from their previous world. With a small smile Olive pulled Morgianna in for a hug. "I remember how to use a flare gun, but thank you for looking out for me. I hope I have no need for it, but it does make me feel safer knowing that it is an option. By the way, Kieran and Caspian huh? I bet they drool over how bada$$ you are." She shot her friend a wink before both of them burst into laughter.


The day of the contest arrived quicker than Morgianna was ready for. As all the students who were participating gathered in the courtyard Morgianna looked around and saw several extra teachers, but the Dean was noticeably absent. They had met a couple of times since their first encounter but they mostly talked about how school was going or her grandmother. Their last meeting the Dean had looked uncomfortable at the mention of Eltarr but quickly changed the subject before sending Morgianna on her way. Morgianna hoped he would not be present when they embarked on this trip, because while he was not exactly strong in that form he could still hurt someone.

Sir Bartholomew and Silvus stood on a raised platform beside two pillars made of pure onyx. "Before we depart there are some words we wish to say. During this trip you will be depending on one another, taking care of one another, and using each other to survive. We have trackers that have been hired to locate each student at the end of every day. A group of us teachers will be present in the forest as well in various locations. If a student gets into trouble and you and your teammate cannot handle it amongst yourselves there will be a special button for each student to allow us to find you. The object of this contest is for the students to cross the forest while using the fighting techniques and magic you have learned. We estimate that at a minimum you will spend one night in the forest, take turns sleeping so that someone is always watching."

At the end of Bartholomew's speech, Sir Silvus stepped forward to motion for the teachers that had gathered to move forward. With two on each side of the pillars they moved their hands until a portal opened between them. "Line up and we will drop you into the forest a team at a time. You will be dropped based on your skill level, those who showed promise will be dropped farther from the destination. Good luck." With that he stepped back and watched as each pair disappeared into the portal. Finally when it was Morgianna's turn he gave her a slight almost imperceptible nod to which she returned.

Stepping through the portal Morgianna closed her eyes and did not open them again until she smelt the difference in the air. Looking around she saw nothing but trees, trees, and more trees. Beside her stood Kieran and Caspian, both of them surveying the area around them. Morgianna reached out with her mind to let her group know that she had arrived in the forest. Fafnir was angry that she had bared them from coming, and was ready to fly the rest of the group there at a seconds notice. 

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