12th Birthday Party part 3

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Gabriel turned to face away from her completely and began to unfasten the buttons on his jacket. She wanted to protest, but her words caught in her throat as it dropped revealing his shirt with two slits running down the back.

She saw what looked like golden light under his shirt before two large white wings spread out behind him. They looked soft but firm and she wanted to reach out and touch them. Luckily he turned around or she feared her self control would have broken.

The offered his hand and at that moment Morgianna had to make another decision. If she took his hand she would be letting him lead, but if she flew herself he would know how strong her affinity with air was.

"I can fly by myself." Her words slipped past her tongue and were met with a small sad smile.

He did not lower his hand bust instead reach further so he could clasp hers within."Could you pretend for a moment that you can't?"

Every bone in her body wanted to run away from this golden-haired boy, to seek the company of someone, anyone that could not hold such a power over her future. Against her better judgement she nodded her head. She did not like it when others are sad, even if that someone could later cause her pain.

His wings began to beat softly, just a small flutter almost unnoticeable. "Then hold on." With a speed, she had not expected he pulled her towards him and then all at once shot into the sky.

Barely able to stifle a scream she felt her feet leave the ground one second and in the next she was surrounded by clouds. They were so close she felt she could reach out and touch them.

She couldn't help but be amazed at her surroundings, yes she had flown before many times, but she had never gone so far. The highest she had ever flown was last year during the ordeal with the pirates and since then she never attempted such heights again.

A breath fanning her cheek brought her back to the present. The view had almost made her forget how she had come to see it, to begin with.

Not wanting to turn and look into his eyes she kept her own focused on a star in the distance. She knew he was looking at her, his arms not loosening in the slightest. His wings continued to beat strong and sure, holding them above the ground.

Against her better judgement she looked down and regretted it immediately. She tore her eyes away from the small shape in the distance that could only be her home. From this high death would be almost guaranteed, her air magic was the only thing that could save her if he decided to let go.

Her body tensed with those thoughts. 'He wouldn't let go, I've done nothing to make him dislike me... Yet.'

As if he felt her discomfort he began his descent to solid ground. The whole time they had been up in the clouds he had said nothing, choosing to only look at her as she looked at everything that wasn't him. When the castle started to look more like a castle and not a dark blob he finally broke the silence. "What are you thinking about?"

Without even thinking before she replied, the words spilled out. "That one day, you princes will be the death of me."

His arms tightened but he did not respond. Morgianna had not meant to say that, but she found deep in her heart that it was the truth.

Unknown to her Gabriel had a special ability, one she had not seen in the file on him and one that was not spoken about in the game. Through his touch he could get someone to speak the truth, it only worked under special circumstances such as being alone and it is quiet. In the heat of the moment he had asked what was on her mind, hoping to glean any information about who she was but was instead shocked.

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