A Princely Party 2

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Inside the garden were flowers of every shape, size, and color. It truly was a beautiful sight. Up ahead was a clearing where tables seemed to be set up near a small pond.  Each one was only large enough to seat a few people. Three maybe four at most if they squeezed together.

There were nameplates at each seat, their entire evening already preordained.

Walking up to a table farthest from the Crown Prince of their kingdom. Morgianna began reading the names and her stomach dropped. There sat Felix and Fafnirs name but hers was not at the same table. She almost felt as if it was a fluke to have sat a guard... that is unless they were purposely trying to create distance between her and him.

Slowly she made her way to the next table and then the next ignoring the worried eyes of her brother as he sat in his seat. Fafnir stood a moment longer before being pulled down by Felix. They shouldn't draw more attention to themselves than necessary.

She had almost looked at every table present noting each of the capture targets names placed in random spots throughout the garden. Every table that is except for the one Prince Alaric and Prince Alistar currently sat at. Both boys appeared to be deep in conversation but Morgianna kept feeling eyes on her as she moved around.

She finally sighed in resignation not seeing her name at any of the tables she had passed. She couldn't help holding onto the brief hope that maybe her name wasn't at their table either. Then she could come up with some lame excuse and then leave.

As she approached, the table any hope she had was swiftly crushed. There sat her nameplate right between Alaric and Alistar. Gritting her teeth before forcing a smile she greeted them in her sweetest voice she could muster. "Your Highness Prince Alaric and your highness Prince Alistar it is an honor to be seated amongst you." She performed a small curtsy wishing a hole would form underneath her and let her fall straight to the other side of the world.

Moving over to her seat she was surprised when Alaric and Alistar both stood giving each other some weird look. Alistar put his hands up as if in surrender before sitting down and Alaric pulled her chair out from the table giving her an expectant look.

"T-thank you." She internally cursed at her stutter as a blush crept up her neck onto her cheeks. Every second it took for her to sit down she prayed that if the ground didn't swallow her, for at least a large bird to swoop down and carry her off for dinner.

Alaric gave her a smirk noticing her blush. Thinking that she must be infatuated with his charm he gave her a little wink, pleased when her eyes widened in surprise.

Morgianna was shocked at the prince's behavior. She had not played the game herself but her friend told her that Alaric wasn't a target. Supposedly he was engaged to a girl closer to his age and was hardly shown in the game except when helping to punish the Villainess, her. At 11 he was the oldest of the Crown Princes and 3 years Morgiannas senior. Having him flirt with her now was making her head spin. She already had to avoid the capture targets and now the Prince of her own kingdom too.

"I have to say Queen you look beautiful in that dress." Alistar said as he took her hand pulling it up to his mouth to plant a kiss. That one move fried the last 2 brain-cells that were working overtime in Morgiannas mind. Her thoughts screaming. 'Who taught this child to flirt?! I need an adult. Oh shit I am an adult. Well kind of, trapped in this little kid body. Oh god he just keeps looking at me. Say something say something!. "You have a moon on your forehead."

The words escaped unbidden, loud and clear to anyone within 10 feet. Alistar who had still been holding her hand threw his head back in laughter not releasing her for a moment. When he finally seemed to be coming down from hit fit of laughter the corners of his eyes were wet as if he had been crying.

The Death of a Time Viewer (COMPLETED)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin