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Morgianna had felt like she was being watched ever since she had killed Howser. A chill across her skin when crossing the street or a breath across her neck when she was reading.

They had made it back to the guild in half the time it had taken them to go to the town where Howser had lived and consequently died. On the way back catching a carriage that brought them almost right to the door of the guild.

She had promptly handed over the head to Killian who looked at her as if she had grown a second head herself. She did not offer any explanation and only waited for him to pay her before they once again quickly left the town. They did not immediately head for home though, as many eyes were still on them.

It was not until they stopped that night to rest that she cornered those who followed them to ask why. Fafnir had left earlier to find wood for a fire, but she knew if she yelled he would be there in a second.

"I do not wish to kill you, but I will." She was tired of constantly looking over her shoulder. She had not properly rested since she had killed Howser constantly feeling as if there was someone in her shadow.

From between the trees three men stepped forward. All looking at her greedily. "Give us the silver you earned and we will let you go." The one up front spoke, his yellow and decaying teeth on full display.

Morgianna used her ability to look at their stats and was sorely dissatisfied. "Trek, Crawley, and your fearless leader here Jove. All three of you together are not my opponent, I can see why you never raised your rank if you won't even try. You pick on the newer people when they succeed and take what is not yours. You are all three still bronze levels despite being in the guild for several years. Your magic is weak and so is your mind." Her words were like slaps to their faces.

"How dare you speak to us that way!" Crawley who was the smallest of the three seethed. He couldn't have been more than 5 foot 6 and weigh a buck 20.  He hated being called weak, he originally joined the guild so he could become strong.

Jove who stood in the front raised his hand to silence him never taking his eyes off Morgianna. "I can let it go how you spoke to us if you give us compensation. Why don't you let us know what you look like under that hood little girl." He gave her a toothy or in his case a rather toothless grin. "You even know our names, does that mean you are interested in us?"

She did not answer his question, instead asking one of her own."You want to see what's under my hood?"

All three men nodded eagerly. Thinking that they did not care if the girl was even attractive if she gave herself willingly.

"What if I'm not interested in you?" She mock pouted in their direction feeling disgusted at the look the three shared.

She knew these types of men weren't just gonna accept no as an answer, and it was in that moment their fates were sealed.

Pulling her hood down to reveal her face all three men stopped to look at her long black hair and mismatched eyes. She was young but she was very pretty. Anyone with eyes could tell that.

They thought that her showing her face was giving permission when in reality she was giving herself one more reason to rid the world of the scum in front of her. She could say it was to protect her identity, but all would know it was to relieve the world of 3 vile creatures.

"Don't scream, we promise not to hurt ya." Trek said as he moved to her right.

"Yeah we will keep you company until your friend returns." Crawley drawled as he moved to her left.

Jove just stood there staring at her as his two lackeys closed in. There was a hint of amusement in his eyes.

Morgianna did not move immediately. Allowing the men to get closer to her before attacking.

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