A little misunderstanding~

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Angel knocked on Y/n's bedroom door the next day (after Alastor and Y/n's chaotic stunt happened with Sir. P). He waited 5 minutes but no one answered so Angel was like fuck it and opened the door. "Hey hottie you weren't answering so I just...What the fuck Y/n?!" Angel cursed and almost fell back when Y/n had her leg on her bed as she was putting some lotion on it while doing it in her night robes. "What?" She looked at at him dumbfounded. Angel pointed at her leg and let himself in,closing the door behind him. " I thought some dude just did his thing on your leg,sad i could have joined ya." He smirked,leaning against the wall.Crossing his arms he started to laugh at his own joke. Y/n just playfully rolled her eyes. "You wish you little whore,would you even lick it off from me? Even if it's on my leg?" She joined him with and his perverted jokes.She leaned down and started to rub the lotion on her leg in circles. "The more we hang out the more I rub off on you I'm telling ya sugart tits"Angel said, slowly walking towards her "Really? Kinky~" She smirked,looking up at his tall figure.Rubbing her leg up and down she slowly bent down to smell it. " Yumm!" "The lotion or me?" He snickered "The lotion,it smells like coconut and you smell like dick" Ya know it babes"Angel winked "Nah seriously,let me smell ya" He grabbed her leg and leaned down to smell it. As he was about to smell it Alastor opened the door on them. "Ahh Y/n my apologies but I was just taking a small walk around the hotel when your bedroom caught my eyes and I just had to-" Alastors cheerful static voice turned into something more darker when he openned his eyes to finish his excuses to let himself into Y/n's room. His neck cracked and symbols started to appear beside him.His smirk went wider and looked more sininster than ever. " My apologies...I wasn't informed that you had a...guest my dear!" Alastors usual smirk came back and he excused himself and closed the door behind him slowly,almost crushing the handle. The two demons looked at each other in the room but shrugged it off at the same time. After awhile they went back to their thing what was interrupted thanks to Alastor.

//I had to write this short chapter twice because my stupid ass forgot to save it :') 
Anyways I hope my fellow readers like my Alastor x reader thingy. If yes I'm glad and thank you! I love you stranger~ And my apologies if the story is short but today I had to take care of some things including some paperwork what killed me inside. I sometimes hate being an adult but Oh well~

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