The fun just doesn't end here,does it?~

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The two drunkasses returned almost to the hotel unnoticed as they thought till they saw everyone outside,waiting for them.In the distance they noticed a wawing charlie,an amused Alastor,a excited Niffty,a doesn't even care and I never will Husk and a very...pissed Vaggie. When Y/n noticed this she decided to quickly jump down from the spiders bac.Stilll holding her bottle dearly she smiled nervously at Vaggie. "Where the hell were you?! "Angel nudged Y/n,snickering at Vaggies question. " I didn't.." Vaggie crossed her arms,rolling her eyes at them. "You know what I meant by that,idiots." "Oh? we just took a small..walk" Y/n smirked. "FOR 6 FUCKING HOURS?!" Charlie grabbed Vaggie by her hip and pulled her back as she started shouting louder at them. " AND WHATS WITH THE FUCKING BOTTLE?!" Y/n jumped at Vaggies outburst and threw the bottle quickly behind her,hitting a demon at the head. "What bottle?"Looking behind him, Angel hysterically started to laugh when the bottle hit someone,dragging Y/n with him. Charlie smiling nervously,still trying to hold Vaggie back from them she dragged the angry demon into the hotel with Niffty helping her and Husk following behind them.Leaving the two laughing demons behind Alastor looked around,still smirking and decided to take a step closer.His smirk never leaving his lips he bents down a little. "Need a hand?" Still smirking,the radio demon offered a hand directly towards the fem.demon. Y/n looked up as she wiped her tearly eye, and gladly took it his offer."Yes I would....HEY!" Angel stretched his hand out too but Alastor ignored him and pulled Y/n up. Taken back Y/n's body fell right on Alastors chest by his sudden pull. "Sorr.." "Don't be darling!" Alastor interrupted Y/n as she decided to pull away from him but not letting go of his hand.Alastor's smirk went wider and lightly squeezed her hand. "Shall we?" Y/n bit her lip. "We shall my dear.." Humming quietly they started to walk towards the entrance of the hotel when Angel started to shout after them.

"HEY! what about..."Alastors ears twitched and he suddenly let a tentacle appear from underneath.The tentacle throwed poor Angel away quickly before Y/n could even notice it.Y/n was about to turn around when Alastor wrapped his arm around Y/n shoulder,leading their way inside the hotel. The deer demon started to talk about Charlies plans for the hotel,keeping Y/n distracted while giving a side glance at Angel.

//I'm baaaaaccckkk! 2 weeks of not going to work haaah! (I'm not sick no worries,just my workplace decided to close for 2 weeks so ye. )
I hope everyone's doing okay btw. Stay safe <3

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