Let's have some fun,shall we?~ Part1

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When Angel was done smelling Y/n's legs she grabbed his head and pulled him quickly closer to her face. "I have an idea Angel!" Angel's eyes went wide,surprised by her sudden closeness. " Woah woah calm down hottie,did Alastor's little visit turned ya on that much?" He smirked and grabbed her face too."What? No,silly." She shook her head and let go of his face immediately and started to walk on her tiptoes around Angel. "We shall go out! All of us!" She spun around. "How does it sound? Maybe grab a drink or two" She winked at Angel,stopping herself in the middle of the room." Drink or two? Hah try me sugar because there well be more than two drinks!" Y/n's eyes turned into full of joy and quickly clapped with her hands,jumping up and down excitedly like she just had a sugar rush. "You commin' then?" Y/n went to Angel,still jumping up and down like child. "Count me in,sugar but next time watch your words~"The singer nunged Angels arm with her elbow and spun around again. "Yeeeess,let's ask the rest of the hote-" She bit her tongue,looking at the mirror. "Angeeel~" She turned around to face the other demon and went behind.Placing her claws on his shoulders.Angel jumped up a little but Y/n only just smiled and pushed him towards the hallway,out from her bedroom. "Let's just say that you my dearest friend go ask them first while I change my clothing into more...formal ones" She smirked and pushed him outside,slamming the door behind him. "Bu-" Angel turned around but couldnt finish his sentence when the door was slammed before him. "Tsk,you owe buy the drinks then, bitch" He chuckled and rolled his eyes and went downstairs. Y/n cracked her fingers as she went to her closet to change. She put on her red long dress and paired it with sharp black heels what matched her black stockings. The red haired demon spinned around in her dress but then stopped before the mirror. "Hm..something's missing." She then looked at her knife. "That too but something.... else..A coat perhaps?" Y/n grabbed her knife,putting it in her stockings. The f.demon then noticed a long fur coat in her closet. " Yes! Yes!That's it!" She ran to her closet and grabbed it, putting it on herself.Running rapidly back to the mirror to observe it. "Wonderful!" After 5minutes of putting on some blood red lipstick and the other stuff she was ready like she was never before! Y/n then teleported herself in the middle of the hotels lobby,expecting everyone there. With a wide smile she looked around but saw only...one demon there?! It was Angel Dust. She was about the say something but Angel cut her off. "I know what ya gonna say,where's everyone. Well let me tell you where the fuck" Angel crossed his arms looking directly at her. "Charlie's busy with paperwork,Vaggie told me to fuck off so did Husk and maybe Niffty too. And smile's well...When he saw me his little symbols appeared infront of him and then dissapeared when he saw me alone. I guess he's still rilled up about our little...Well ya know." Y/n's smile was still wide but her cheek started to twitch when she heard that nobody's comming..Well except Angel. "..." She turned around but took a deep breath. "Fuck...THEM! we're still going out with or without them I don't care" She turned around and went to the couch where Angel was currently sitting. Y/n bent down,her smirk grew wider while her eyes were turning yellow. "Do you?! using her deeper voice. Angel's eyes went wider than in her room and shook his head in protest. "No,no but ya need to chill with that scary shit you're doing.Ya remind me of smile's." Y/n's smirk and eyes went back to normal in instant"Sorry,but I thought even you would bitch out from this." "Me? Nah,never!" He grabbed her hand "I'm your ride or die bitch,you forgot?" Y/n laughed up and pinched his cheek. "Ow" Angel gasped,faking his pain. Y/n took his hand and pulled him up to her."Well then...Let's have some fun,shall we?"

I'm thinking about writing part 2 tbh. What do you think? btw thanks to all the rankings<3  if you think that I shall add something more into the story feel free to dm me anytime! c: 

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