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Sonic's P.O.V.
"Are we even any closer from where y'all found Rosy the last time? How are we so sure she is back to that place?" I asked Shadow who had been quiet for a long while again.

This time he wasn't ignoring me. We were both just really tired from walking too much.

"She has to be. She has all her stuff there. G.U.N. does not guard that place since we had better things to do and the agents do not want to be dealing with that either since they did not think that Rosy would get away." Shadow explained to me and I nodded.

"Well... Lets just hope she is actually there..." I sighed and he nodded.

"We are close already. We should be there by tomorrow morning." Shadow said calmly and I nodded.

He looked at me then looked at the sky. I was shaking lightly from how cold it was. He quietly sighed and we kept walking. "Just wear the damn blanket."

"I'm fine." I said as I kept looking straight.

"Faker, you are going to freeze to death." He said but I ignored him. Back at the cave J had told him I will stop listening to him if he didn't call me by my name.

So I didn't. I ignored him making him raised a brow as he looked at me again. He grabbed the blanket off the backpack and got closer to me then wrapped it around me.

My ears perked up and my heart beat a bit faster at this. I wasn't sure why but I did not bother with it.

"You didn't have to do that." I said but he shook his head and I held the blanket around me and kept walking.

"I don't need you to freeze on me. We have to find a place to stay the night." He said and I shrugged as I looked at the trees.

"We can just sleep in the tree branches. I do that all the time." I shrugged and he looked at the trees then nodded.

"Alright." With that said. We got ready and fell asleep on the tree branch.


"Sonic." I looked at Shadow. "What's wrong?" He asked and I nodded. But there was clearly something wrong. "You can talk to me."

He moved closer to me. He held my hand and looked straight in my eyes. I tensed up a bit at seeing him like this and so close to me.

"I just... I just really hope Rouge is okay... I hate seeing my friends hurt and this is something I could have stopped..." I sighed and he squeezed my hand. We stopped walking.

"Don't blame yourself. I could had stopped this too. I am sure she is fine. It's Rouge we are talking about. I am more worried that Rosy is okay." He joked.

Shadow joked.

What the hell is happening?

How did this happened? How did we get here?

I kept asking myself these questions as he leaned closer to me and kissed me.

I tensed up gasped loudly and suddenly I felt pain on my back and I opened my eyes.

I had had a dream.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I looked up. Shadow was standing right in front of me.

"N-nothing." I quickly stood up and looked at the time. "Let's go."

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