↳ bryce hall - exposed

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"im live, im live !" griffin shouted as bryce and i entered the room, hand in hand.

bryce quickly let go of my hand as he entered the live and said hi to griffin's fans.

"lana come say hi." griffin shouted at me as i laughed and walked up to bryce and said hi to the live.

"hey guys! what's up?" i said slowly intertwining my hands with his again since the camera was just showing our faces.

he smirked at me then looked back at the screen as griffin kept talking about attaway general to the people who were watching.

"i ship bryce and lana so bad." bryce read out as griffin stopped talking and looked at the comment, letting out an almost mischievous laugh.

"bryce and i are just friends guys." i said as griffin coughed and bryce put his hand above his heart and pouted.

"sure bros." griffin replied as i sarcastically rolled my eyes and smiled.

"okay now leave, you're stealing my spotlight." he said picking up his phone from the desk as we laughed and walked away.

it was a usual day. the air outside was humid and both bryce and i were having a laid back day.

we were just chilling and making tiktoks in bryce's room as he muttered something under his breath.

"what's wrong baby?" i asked as he looked at me, a worried expression on his face.

"see tiktokroom." he replied as my face went flushed. tiktokroom scared me. i grabbed my phone from the ring light and opened instagram, searching up their username.

"bryce and lana caught holding hands and flirting in griffin johnson's live. baewatch?" i read out loud as bryce sat up letting out a deep sigh.

"this is all my fault." i whispered looking at all the hate comments directed at us.

"what? no it isn't. it's okay. you're 19 now so why does it matter?" he asked walking up to me as i buried my face in my hands.

"we have a 2 year age gap so what. it's not like it's illegal." he continued as i rubbed my face and looked up at him.

"we were going to have to tell them anyways lana." bryce said pulling me up by my hands as i nodded and hugged him.

"it'll be okay." he whispered into my ear.

"do you want to tweet it or something?" i asked as he squinted his eyes at me and shook his head.

"not yet. i want to chill with you now. that's why you're here and that's what we're going to do." he said tucking a piece of hair behind my ear as i smiled and nodded.

"do you wanna go get something to eat?" i asked as he widened his eyes and agreed.

"duh. im so hungry that i could eat you. where'd you wanna go?" he asked grabbing a hoodie and pulling it down his body as i pecked his lips and walked out the door hand in hand.

we decided that we'd just go to chipotle because we hadn't been there in a long time, and since it was near our house we just decided to walk.

on our way there, a man with a camera approached us claiming he was with 'the hollywood fix.'

"hey bryce, lana how are you guys?" he asked as bryce replied with good and walked up infront of me, blocking me out from the guy.

"so there's been a couple of rumors about you guys dating. what do you have to say about that?" he asked as bryce laughed.

"getting right to it huh?" bryce asked laughing as i softly chuckled.

"no comment." bryce repeated twice as i took my phone out and pretended to text someone.

"so you're not agreeing or denying on it?" he asked as we almost reached the entrance to chipotle.

"yeah that's right." bryce replied opening the door for me.

"it was good talking to you guys, have fun." that guy shouted as we got in, and bryce showed him a peace sign.

"i swear he's everywhere." i muttered as bryce agreed and we got in line to order.

"when do you want to confirm it though?" he asked all of a sudden as i furrowed my eyebrows and took off my sunglasses.

"i mean I'm down if you are but i bet the braddison shippers will snap." i replied as he laughed and pecked my cheek.

"i don't care if people get to know. because i know that i love you." he whispered into my ear as i laughed.

"when did you become to cheesy?" i asked as he pouted saying

"hanging out with you made my humor go dry."

"uhuh sure asshole." i muttered as he laughed and side - hugged me tight.

we dined in and went back to the sway as bryce and i set up his phone in his car where we were going to go live because he'd have to drop me off at my house anyways.

"hey guys!" he said enthusiastically. i did the same with a small additional wave. we waited for people to fill in, as bryce turned up the air conditioner. it was a hot and humid day after all.

"i think we should just get to it." i said as he looked at me when a sufficient amount of people had joined.

"so lana and i are dating." he said, letting out a laugh. he turned his body towards me, eyes analyzing my demeanor as if checking in on how i was reacting to the entire situation

"indeed. we are." i dragged out, looking back towards him with a small smile.

"stop being corny." he said as i let out a loud huff.

"shut up you're the corny one."

"i hate you." he said sarcastically as i pouted and then broke down laughing.

"we all know that's a lie." i replied as he mocked me. we made small talk for a while, and then ended the live as he let out a deep sigh and looked at me.

"damn." i said letting out a sharp breath.

"whats wrong ?"

"you're amazing." i replied as he chuckled and planted a kiss on my forehead.

"now who's being cringe ?" he mocked me again as i hit his head and told him to drive.


"what ? drive. i need to get home. or I can uber if you're too tired." i asked worriedly. he grabbed my hand and pulled me onto his lap from the passenger seat.

"easy, easy." i said laughing as he kissed me and snaked his arms around my waist.

"stay over." he muttered as i laughed and instantly nodded, kissing him back while he reclined his seat back, getting comfortable.

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