↳ bad bleep - B.H pt.3

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getting out of the shower, and clumsily throwing on an oversized hoodie, i trudged out of my room, a stinging pain running through the back of my head.

i was hungover and barely remembered anything from yesterday. moreover, i thought i had an encounter with bryce but i couldn't be sure because well i was wasted off my ass. groaning, and downing yet another glass of cold water, i sat down on my sofa, resting my head on the bolster.

suddenly, just as my mind was drifting off to sleep the shrill noise of the calling bell jolted me back into reality, making me wince at the head rush it caused.

"coming!" i shouted, grunting and slipping into my flip flops as i lazily dragged my feet across the living room and towards the main door.

i turned the antique golden handle of the white main door, as my mind contemplated who it could be. just as the door was wide open, my eyes squinted at the sight before me and my mouth fell agape as i was greeted by none other than bryce.

allowing him in without saying a single word, after a single second of processing what was going on, i closed the door behind me letting out a deep sigh.

"well this seems oddly familiar." i finally said, letting out a dry nervous chuckle as bryce looked around, fiddling with his hands.

he was wearing a party animal hoodie with navy blue shorts and looked distraught and nervous.

getting no reaction out of him, i again let out a sigh, turning my expression into a more monotone one.

"what're you doing here bryce ?" i asked, clearing my throat as he made eye contact with me, running his fingers through his hair.

"u need to talk to you." he blurted out awkwardly as i raised my eyebrows and tilted my head, slightly nodding.

"okay what is it?" i asked softly, as my heartbeat grew faster, pounding along with my throbbing head.

"so um, i thought you should know that addison ended things with me last night." he stuttered, looking down at the floor again. there were only a few times I had seen bryce nervous, but this was different.

"okay and what am i supposed to do about it ?" i asked still not seeing what he was getting at because of my really bad hangover.

"oh wait." i stopped him, just as he was about to answer. "you think you can just come back into my life like nothing happened because addison doesn't want you anymore?" i chuckled, as my chest constricted at my own words. my heart felt heavy and i felt betrayed. he was fake for just leaving me because his girlfriend told him to in the first place.

"no no of course not. it's just that i thought you should know that i'm so so sorry for doing what i did. look we all make mistakes don't we? and i'm learning from my mistakes. just please can't we just go back to how things were before?" he negotiated trying to explain himself as i scoffed, standing there and arguing with myself about whether he was being serious or not.

"unbelievable." i muttered under my breath, slowly making my way into my living room as i he followed me inside.

"look all I'm saying is that we can still fix this." he started as i cut him off, instantly spinning around towards him, as my head let out a painful throb yet again.

the anger in me was obvious and the hurt on my face was just as strong as he suddenly stopped walking and looked down at me.

"fix this ? fix this bryce ? fix what ? i have every right to hold everything against you. you left me stranded. literally. as a best friend and as something more, and you know that. you think i don't remember the night we spent two weeks before i left for london, right before addison told you to blow me off. you didn't even tell me that you were with her before then. you literally had sex with me, told me you cared for me, and the worst part is that i believed you. i believed your nonsense, no matter how cliche or dumb it sounds. you want to know why? because I felt for you. and you didn't even have the audacity to tell me that all it was to you was one night of meaningless sex."

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