↳ birthday - J.H

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the party was going great.

it was currently 11:30 am, just 30 minutes to my 18th birthday, and i should be happy right? i was turning 18 after all. but i wasn't. i wasn't because my boyfriend wasn't with me on one of the most important days of my life.

he was in tennessee, with his family. he had asked me to tag along but i wanted to spend my birthday in la. my birthday was a fun day for me. i loved birthdays. and he knew that.

i just brushed it off. family comes first. he'd call or something. and besides it's not like we had been dating for long. it had just been three months. we hadn't even said 'i love you' to each other yet.

did I love him though? of course i did. i loved jaden so much that it hurt to not be around him. but i didn't wanna tell him that. i didn't want to come off as a clingy girlfriend.

i made my way to the living room of the sway house where all my friends were hanging out, walking through all the people just partying, drinking and dancing.

i was wearing a red satin party dress with white airforce ones. my makeup was natural yet glam. my eyes had on a thin line of bright red eyeliner and I wore red lipstick with my face slightly contoured. i didn't wear fake eyelashes, i never thought that i needed them anyways.

"hey guys!" i exclaimed cheerily, sitting down beside charli as they all dropped their topic and looked at me.

"aww someone misses their little rockstar." avani cooed as i sent a deadly glare her way, which later turned into a laugh.

"nah I'm okay." i reassured them over the blasting music.

"well, it's your birthday so let loose. drink some alcohol and just... i don't know, don't cheat on jaden." bryce said laughing as i just nodded with a sad expression on my face.

"i want to see my cake!" i whined as charli embraced me in a side hug. she was my best friend. she really was.

"you wanna see your ass?" bryce asked as addison sent him a 'what the fuck' look and then broke down laughing.

right when he said that 'birthday sex' started playing in the background as i just groaned and cursed under my breath.

"someone's frustrated that they won't be getting some dick on their birthday." josh remarked as i rolled my eyes and flipped him off.

"suck dick richards." i groaned loudly.

"no, that's your birthday wish. go blow out your candles shoo bird!" bryce added as my mouth just fell.


"speaking off candles, c'mon let's go cut your cake, it's like 11:56." charli said softly as everyone checked the time and agreed.

josh announced with a mic that i would be cutting the cake now as everyone cheered and clapped.

as i made my way to the huge table in the middle of the house where my blue three layered cake was sitting with candles on top, i almost forgot about jaden that was until 'so what' started playing and i just groaned at the excellent music selection.

i squeezed myself through the crowd and to the cake as everyone made way for me.

the song's volume slowed down a little as a projector screen popped up behind me.

a countdown to 12 o' clock.

so extra.

i liked it.

i stood in front of my cake, the knife in hand, listening to the people count down to the last moments of me being 17. it felt surreal.

everyone was clapping, singing, cheering, and filming.

i was on cloud nine.

i cut the cake as the clock hit 12 and everyone cheered loudly. i swear i almost went deaf. charli hugged me from behind congratulating me as i hugged her back. everyone was cheering, filming, and just happy for me and then all of a sudden, everyone went quiet.

my head shot up at the sudden silence, 'so what' still playing at a soft volume, in the background.

i saw shuffling among the crowd, as people made way for someone.

i tried to peak through as murmurs grew and more cameras pointed at me.

"i guess you don't have to miss your little rockstar after all." a voice which i assume was anthony's spoke into my ear as jaden popped up out of the crowd.






(FRIENDS reference, okay back to the story)

"jaden!" i almost screamed as he walked through the crowd to me.

he didn't say anything just kept smiling at me as i made my way to him.

as soon as he was within reach, i buried him in a big bone-crushing hug as he chuckled into my ear.

"you didn't think that i would miss your birthday did you sweetheart?" he whispered into my ear when i finally let go of him.

everybody started cheering again as i felt eyes piercing through at us. i just blushed slightly, my hand intertwined with his as he let out a soft chuckle.

soon after, the buffet opened and everybody was getting food and having drinks and overall just enjoying the party.

i was looking at all the types of food at my party as two arms snakes around my waist.

"you hungry huh?" jaden asked almost seductively as i grinned nodding. i felt his chin on top of my head as i slowly turned around and faced him.

"i missed you so much." i whispered as i felt his arms drape down to my hips right where the chain to my dress ended.

"i missed you more. you're finally legal now." he smiled kissing the top of my nose as i let out a soft giggle.

i admired his features for a few seconds as he did the same to me and then he finally opened his mouth to say something.

"come here." he said dragging me to the corner of the room as i followed him.

he trapped me between his arms which were on both sides of me as my back hit the wall.

i smirked, as he kept looking down at me as if thinking about something.

"hey you okay?" i asked grazing his jaw with my thumb as he jolted a little, snapping out from whatever trance he was in.

"iloveyou." he whispered too quickly and quietly for me to hear as my eyebrows furrowed.

"huh?" i asked confused as his cheeks shone bright red.

"you know. iloveyou." he said again, murmuring over the last few words as my confusion grew heavier.


suddenly realisation hit me as i understood what he was trying to say.

i was internally screaming.

"i love you too jaden." i replied, trying to play it off cool but my excitement got the best of me as my voice came out loud and shaky.

"you're amazing you know that?" i added scoffing sarcastically, a huge smile on his face.

"uh duh. of course i do." he answered leaning in and kissing me roughly as i smirked into the kiss.

this boy.

he was gonna drive me crazy one day.

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