↳ so what - J.R pt.2

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the last few weeks had been hectic. nessa had stopped talking to me for reasons unknown and totally cut me off, unfollowing me on instagram- attracting the attention of tiktokroom and her ex boyfriend josh richards.

josh hit me up and we started talking, and since nessa completely cut me off, i decided it wouldn't hurt if i only talked to josh.

but talking only goes so far before the lines between friendship and something more blur. i slowly became incredibly close with the rest of the sway house, and was currently leaving iHop with the boys and addison as the hollywoodfix guy approached me.

"zara!" he exclaimed grabbing my attention as josh quickly let go of my waist which he had his arm wrapped around.

"hey how are you doing?" i asked calmly already knowing the type of questions he would be asking me.

"i'm good, how are you?" he replied as i nodded, showing a thumbs up his way.

"so, people have been peeping that nessa unfollowed you on instagram and removed all your pictures from her feed, would you know why?" he asked as josh looked down at me waiting for me to answer.

"well- i don't know why. she cut me off and while i'm sure that she has a valid reason to do that i'm not sure what it is." i answered trying to sound as mature as possible because the last thing i needed was the internet coming at me.

"oh okay. so are you both seeing each other after your breakup with nessa?" he asked josh as my mind instantly went blank.

josh and i were kind of talking but i definitely didn't want the world to know that yet.

"uh no, not really. we're just friends." he said waving his hand lazily towards us as i nodded, giving him a genuine smile, mostly from relief, which didn't last long as bryce barged into our conversation.

"it would be cool if you both did start dating."he teased wrapping his arms around josh and i's necks.

"except that we aren't." josh confirmed as i nodded and kicked bryce's thigh.

"easy. you could've hit -" he trailed off noticing the death stare i was secretly trying to give him.

"poor addison then." i smiled, as josh stifled a chuckle, high fiving me.

"hey guys c'mon we gotta go." griffin called out as we concluded our interview with hollywoodfix. i waved at him sending him a small smile, and then leaving the area as he cut the cameras.


we were in the car, on our way back to the sway house as josh cuddled up next to me.

"hey." he squeaked nuzzling his nose into the crook of my neck.

"hi ." i replied playing with his long brown curls.

my phone suddenly started ringing as i glanced at the caller ID my eyes going wide.

"wait wait what? no way." i exclaimed, sitting up straight, as josh let out a small groan.

"what's wrong?" him and anthony asked at the same time as my skin went pale.

"It's nessa."

"fuck. answer it." josh urged me, curiosity evident on his face. i nodded, letting out a deep breath and answering the call, putting it on speaker.

the others listened intently as a small hello came from the other side of the line.

"ness, what a surprise." I said nervously as she scoffed into the line.

"hi ?" I asked again as I heard no response coming from the other side.

"you really don't know why I cut you off?" she questioned dramatically. i shook my head saying no.

"no." i stated, once realising that she couldn't see my head shake.

"wow you're either a great liar or just stupid." she remarked as josh's grip tightened on my thigh. i sent him a reassuring look and then went back to talking to nessa, as she spoke up again.

"you literally stole josh away from me." her voice cracked as i furrowed my eyebrows, leaning back on my car seat. anthony nudged josh as i caught them exchanging looks from my peripheral vision. josh slowly but quickly asked me to hang up, which i denied with one motion of my hand.

"what do you mean? you cheated on him with chase." i stated as she groaned loudly.

"i hooked up with chase after him and i broke up." she sneered as i closed my mouth, not understanding the situation. josh again signalled for me to hang up as anthony did the same.

"you're such an idiot. josh is in love with you, bitch." nessa almost shouted through the line as my mind went blank and almost everybody in the car except addison sent each other looks. the type of looks children who got caught eating candy display.

"uh no he's not." i nervously laughed.

"i can't.. can't do this bye." she replied after a while, cutting the call, as the line went dead.

i stared back at my phone for a while not making eye contact with anybody as josh cleared his throat attempting to break the awkward silence between us.

but it was to vain, as we all sat through the silence not having anything more to say.

we finally arrived at the swayla house. as soon as all of us got out of the car, i sped off towards the bathroom, watching bryce shove josh towards me through the corner of my eyes.

he followed me to the bathroom and as i tried closing the door he held it open with his left leg, peaking his head in.

"can we talk?" he asked as i hesitated.

"sure." i finally submitted, letting go of the door handle as he got in and closed the door behind him.

he turned back around towards me, jamming his hands into his hoodie pockets. we just stared at each other for a while.

"you love me?" i finally broke the awkward silence that had well settled between us as he hesitantly nodded, running his hands through his hair.

"i do." he whispered as i tried processing all the information at once.

"wow." i replied, not knowing what to say.

"look, I'm not asking you to say it back okay? just. please can we work on us?" he urged, his voice showing desperation.

"we can." i agreed, trailing off as he let go of a deep breath. i let out a breath i didn't know i was holding in. the unexpected sensation left my body slowly, comfort engulfing me instead.

"i would really like that." i answered genuinely, leaning towards him, kissing him as he kissed me back, whilst pushing me against the wall.

i guess good things do take time.

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