Hell's new Sinner

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Ever since that day, Belial could feel something change within her niece. She can't put into words of that certain feeling. As Charlie is growing up, her time is spent on different matters such as education. It is a shame that Charlie can't stay the little princess Belial love to spoil. 


The smell of burnt flesh, blood, and rotten limbs caught her nose. Belial tuck her hands in her pocket as she listens to the clock tower that Lucifer made for Extermination echoes their bells throughout the city. "So, how many this time?" Belial asks out loud. She felt the edge of her suit coat tugged by a tiny set of hands. 

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"I-I believe...a hundred thousand dead L-Lady Belial." A child voice replies. Belial looks down at the child demon who is clinging to her coat. This child demon wore a black coat similar to Belial with a white buttoned shirt, black pants. His gold eyes with cat shaped pupils look at the woman. "More than last year." Belial mutters under her breath. She could feel the child demon shake as she put a hand on top of his light brown hair. 

"Relax, Jasper. You are with me." Belial tells the frighten demon. Jasper hesitantly remove his hands from her coat. "R-right!" He stutters out. Belial nods her head at him, then walks forward. Jasper follows the blind woman. He quickly scans around his surroundings which is the city where the slaughter happens. He grimaces at the sight of a demon picking up a piece of someone's leg and taking it with him. 

"W-what are we looking for if y-you don't mind asking Lady Belial?" Jasper broke the silence. Belial stretch her arms into the sky. 'Nothing, just stretching my legs. I can't stay inside any longer." She replies without care. Jasper's mouth opens in shock. "So cool...If only I am strong like her." He thought to himself, a tiny frown on his face. 

Jasper is extremely lucky to be in the path of the fallen angel. If he hadn't, he would be dead years ago from another demon or an angel. Memories of his past life cling to him. He almost remembered how hungry he was. Starvation can make an adult and even a child to do anything. He would even kill a person for a piece of bread. The reason he was sent to Hell is for stealing. Because of his stealing, he was killed by those angry people. No one would bat an eye if a child of poverty to die on the streets. 

1929 was the worst year of his life. He was just nine. 

He looks down at the top of his right hand where Belial's mark lies. Since that faithful day, Jasper doesn't regret making a deal with Belial. For a roof over his head, clothes, and food, he became Belial's assistant. "Hey, Jasper. How long since you worked under me?" Belial asks. Jasper flinches then relaxes when realizing it is Belial. He should really stop being jumpy and learn how to be confident like her. "I-I believe it has been four years." He answers if he counted right.  

"Huh...It is 1933 now." Belial mutters under her breath. Jasper tilts his head when hearing Belial. "Lady B-Belial?" He spoke out loud. Belial turns to Jasper then pat the top of his head. "Let's go back home. I feel like eating out today." She announces with a smile. Jasper nods his head then follows the woman. Both of them had a good time at a restaurant. 


It took two days as she felt something off. Belial lifts her head to look at the blood red sky. She had decide to take a short stroll around the city. This feeling, Belial couldn't put to words on how she describe this. It feels like invisible weights on her shoulders. The scent of blood caught her nose. This scent smells familiar to the blind woman. Her ears caught the sound of shouting and cries from far away. Belial decides to follow the sound since it became louder with each step. 

The scent of blood is hard to ignore as her shoes click against the street. Belial's mind clicks as something charges at the woman. Jumping into the air, she avoids something flying at her. It was a metal light pole as it scrapes against the street behind her. Belial lands on her feet with ease. "New in Hell?" Belial asks to the person standing before her. She believes this demon is new or asking for a beating since they will be facing a fallen angel. 

Standing seven feet tall is a slim male demon. The demon wore the matching color of red. Red eyes laid on the blind demon. His short red and black tipped bobbed hair stood out more due to the pair of deer ears on top his head. His red pinstriped suit and red bowtie represents what time he lived in and his attitude. Resting on his right cheek is a red lensed monocle.

The look of recognition could be seen on the demon's face when seeing Belial standing straight. "I never thought I would see you once again, my dear!" Belial heard his voice with static behind each word. She blinks once and twice as her mind clicks. Belial snaps her fingers when remember that person's mannerisms. "Ah! Alastor, isn't it?" Belial names the demon. Alastor's smile widens. It is an honor for a powerful person like Belial to remember him - he must have made an everlasting impression on her!

"Isabel, no...Belial. How interesting for us to meet again. What are you doing, dear?" 

He watches Belial remove her coat from her shoulders to throw it aside to the ground. He lifts his right brow from this gesture. Then his ears caught the sounds of Belial cracking her fists as she moves her head side to side in order to ease the tension on her neck. 

"Don't mind me! Keep talking your heart out! I'm just preparing myself." Belial forms a wide smirk. "...Preparing for what if you don't mind me asking?" Alastor is curious of this. He saw that glowing gauntlets appear around her hands. "Just want to repay the kind gesture of stabbing me!" Alastor's pupils shrink in realization. Belial's eyes glow red as she ready to fight. In a blink of an eye, Belial charges the demon with her fist in front of her like a boxer. 

Alastor barely dodges Belial shooting her right fist towards Alastor's face. He felt a charge of air shoot past his face. He heard a loud boom behind him. Belial sends her left fist at his face then repeats. She sends her right fist towards his chest. This punch sends Alastor off of his feet as he went through a brick building a yard away. Alastor pulls himself out of the rubble, his eyes turn into dials. A red glow forms around his body. Blood forms the corner of his lips and the bottom of his nose. The sound of loud static caught her ears. In the middle of his forehead is a glowing x - the mark of death. 

"Let see how powerful you are, Alastor. Do you take more lives or you grown rusty after our last meeting?

"You might be the most entertaining person in this realm, Belial of Hell."

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