New Friends

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Decades ago, Alastor manifested in Hell seemly overnight. 

At the start, he was able to survive against the Fallen Angel of Hell. 

After that fight, he is able to topple overlords who have been dominated for centuries. 

That kind of raw power has never been harnessed by an immoral soul before. 

Then, he broadcast his carnage throughout Hell...just so everyone who witness his ability. 

 Sinners started calling him the Radio lazy as it. 

As if demons hadn't feared him enough, Alastor broadcast his 'dance' against Belial. 

Demons called that event - the Dance of Gold and Red. 

Many has speculated what unimaginable force had enabled him to rival our world's most ancient and destructive evils. 

But one things for sure, he is an unpredictable source of danger - a wicked spirit of mystery. 

And a violent monster of chaos, the likes that we can't risk. 

Getting involved with unless we want to get erased! 

"Ya done?" Angel interrupts Vaggie's monologue. She looks at the spider demon with a frown. Belial silently chuckles at Vaggie's explanation of the radio demon. She stood behind the loveseat, listening to Vaggie. Angel comments that Alastor just look like a strawberry pimp. Belial snorts under her breath, she will definitely remember that. "Well, I don't trust him!" Vaggie exclaims. Belial walks next to Vaggie's right, patting the top of her shoulder. "Don't worry, V. I can handle him." Vaggie gave Belial a small smile but her mood is ruined when Angel asked if she actually trust any men. Belial leaves her spot to follow the static, leading him to Alastor. 

The radio demon looks at the family portrait of the Magne family. A smaller one next to the portrait, a picture of Charlie standing next to Belial. Like always, Belial has a smile on her face. Alastor noted that she is wearing a maroon v-line and a-line style dress that touch her ankles. The dress were sleeveless. Charlie in this portrait seems to be more happier, probably Belial encourage her to smile. Instead of Belial standing still like her parents, she had her hand on top of Charlie's right shoulder - giving the feeling of support. 

Alastor grins at the sight, it looks like Belial has a weakness for her niece. "Bored already, Alastor?" Belial's voice made him look at his left to see her standing beside him. "Sadly, I'm afraid so. Nothing entertaining could compare to our little dance! Oh, I have miss the feeling of ripping each other apart, blood color the ground underneath us, and even having my arm torn off! Hahaha!" Alastor held up his left hand as it glows. 

"I take it that your arm is good as new." 

"Why yes! You do have marvelous powers, my dear. I would love to see more of it in the future." His grin widens at the thought. Even from their dance, Alastor felt something more is hidden in Belial - he just can't wait to unlock it. "It will be a while, Alastor for us to dance again since I got other things to do." Belial laughs. Alastor knows that she is talking about Charlie and her little project - it is a shame really. Although, he doesn't mind it since he knows where Belial is. To be part of the hotel is a bonus for him. 

While they having small conversation, Vaggie told Charlie that he is dangerous to have around. Charlie glances at Alastor and Belial to see Belial giving him a grin then a short laugh. It has been a while since she saw her aunt is a good mood. Ever since that 'day', she feels like Belial is forcing herself to grin and pretend that she is fine. For the past week, Charlie help take care of Belial's wound. She can't imagine how long that Belial had suffered without any help since she admits that she kept it a secret from her parents. As she said, she doesn't want to trouble them with her 'problem'. 

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