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Why does the old man create her?

She wonders if God made her to be worthless. 

Her name under the old tongue means lack of worth. Belial doesn't even know the true meaning of her name until Lucifer told her the truth. She had lived in Heaven like a naïve child - unaware of her true name until that very day. She didn't know how to feel at that time as her body was full of emotions. Emotions she never felt before - betrayed, used, and unbridled wrath towards the very Heavens and the entity who created her. 

She didn't even hesitate once when  she rebel that old man and her many siblings. She doesn't even regret her decision once even she was cast away to Hell with Lucifer. Without Lucifer and Lilith, she would be nothing. She wants to repay them, give them a person of worth. She thought she is able to go against the old man in the sky - life set in stone until that faithful day. 

God took away her sights, she had become useless once again. 

Even if Belial accepts her loss, it still hurts behind her grin. Stricken with blindness, she doesn't want anyone to touch her, laid their hands on her. Belial doesn't want anyone else to be 'cursed' like her. Before Charlie's birth, she would keep her distance from the royal couple. They had better things to do than to worry over this blind woman. 

Until Charlie was born, Belial doesn't want her niece to lay a single hand on her worthless self. She can't even lay eyes on her precious niece. When Lucifer force Belial to hold her niece, she felt...happiness. In this hellish world, they live in. Charlie is the light in her dark world. With a promise, Belial will protect Charlie and cherish her. 

Cherish her until her last breath...


The first time is always the worst. 

First of her six wing lost...Whispers remind her how weak, useless she is. Shadows follow her every step she takes. 

Second wing lost... Infinite chains weigh down her body as she can't break away from her thoughts. 

Third wing lost...


Belial sits up from her bed. Her hair bearing the usual bed head. A yawn left her lips as she stretches her arms in the air. Her ears caught the sound of knocking from the door. It took a couple of seconds to realize someone is at the door. "...Come in..." Belial yawns out. She would kill for a cup of coffee right now. She slowly turns her head to the door as she heard the door open. 

Alastor enters the room, his mood is good this morning. "Good morni-" His words stuck in his throat as he laid eyes on Belial. She thought she heard a record needle scratch from somewhere. "Morning." Belial greets the radio demon but he doesn't reply back. "What's the problem?" She broke the tense silence. She heard a loud thud from the wall. "Forgive me, I didn't know you were-" Alastor tries to form words but he could only sputter. For the first time, the demon is caught off-guard. His cheeks darken as his left hand covers his eyes. His right hand rests on her wall as his back is to Belial. "Underdressed." He finally finishes his sentence. 

Belial was confused by his words until a slight breeze brush past her bare skin. Then, her right hand rests on top of her bare chest. There is not even a single cloth covering the top half of her body. "Oh right, I was too tired to wear any pajamas..." She thought to herself. Belial remembers that last night she simply tore her clothes off to take in the soft embrace of her bed. Belial cannot see Alastor's shoulders shake as his nails dig into the wall. He will have a difficult time to forget the surprising sight in the morning. 

"Sorry about that." Belial spoke up. She left her bed to approach her wardrobe to wear clean clothes. She grabs underwear and a bra to wear. "So, what do you need?" Belial asks as if nothing had happened. She takes her time to wear her pants. Alastor still has his back to her, quickly regaining some form of composure. He doesn't want her to know how much the sight affects him and give her a sense of privacy as a gentleman should. This privacy didn't give him the chance of seeing Belial's scarred back. 

He clears his throat with a gentle cough, his dark cheeks burn. "Ah yes, I would like to inform you that Rosie would like to have a chat with you over tea, once you are free." He informs the woman. Belial finally buttons her shirt up then begins to work on her tie. "Right, it's been forever since I talk with her." Belial mutters under her breath. 

"You can look now." She told the radio demon. Alastor slowly turns his body to face Belial. He mentally sigh out in relief to see Belial wearing her clothes. To see her in that state with no clothes present, it made her look vulnerable like any other woman but she doesn't make any sense of urgency to wear her clothes. No, she was unbelievably calm as if she wasn't bare in the first place. Social norms in Alastor's time, seeing bare skin is meant for partners - married couples. He is not meant to see Belial's bare body. 

In his time of living, he had no interest in those things. Of course, he would be caught off-guard and even shocked to see someone's bare body. This time, he felt his cheeks warmed up as his body shook at the sight. This is the person who is able to fill his life here with the feeling of nirvana as they shed blood. Now, Alastor is reminded that she is a woman also. A woman who bears strength like the king of Hell. 

For the first time, he felt something under the many layers of his heart. 

He doesn't know what to think - this is something new for him. 

"Do you have anything else to say?" Belial's voice brought him back to reality. His body took a step back from Belial out of instinct. He doesn't want to lay a hand on her right now. Alastor wants to do is to clear his mind and forget this event forever. "Oh no, my dear! If you excuse me, I have work to do." Alastor replies then walks away from Belial. She heard the door of her bedroom close, telling her that Alastor left. She blinks a couple of times then shrugs her shoulders. 

Time to go back to work. 

Belial left her bedroom with her suit jacket resting on top of her shoulders. 


A/N: ...I hope you like this chapter, I tried my best with this one to give you a bit of an insight of Belial's internal struggles. 

That's what I could see this as Alastor's reaction.

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Alastor: *Internal Screaming*


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