Find a Way

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Charlie should be happy that the party was a success as they have one demon check in for redemption. This demon is different from the others in the hotel. A demon angler fish, Baxter who has a knack for science. Rather than interacting with the others, he prefers to lock himself in his room. The sounds of machines and screeching metal, Charlie would believe that he is making something big at this moment or destroying something in the process. 

Behind closed doors, Charlie tearfully told Vaggie of Belial and being taken to Heaven for trial. This shock the moth demon when Charlie told her about Jasper who played a big part of the event. Never in her life in Hell she would have expect the timid demon to do something like this. Vaggie held her girlfriend, tears being shed as they fear for the worst. The princess of Hell wants to talk to the Alastor about this as he seems to disappear since that day. He only return to the hotel once and while to reassure the hotel is still up and running. 

She wants to know if Jasper was saying the truth about Alastor and her aunt's relationship. Has her aunt found someone like her parents? She felt happiness at the thought but sadness as Belial is taken especially from him. Speaking of her parents, there is no word from them. Charlie could tell how much her parents are affected. She knows her father has some sort of connection to the Heaven or some way to contact them. Even he found something, he wouldn't tell Charlie anything. His last words to her is to focus on herself and let him deal with it. 

She felt helpless but what she can do? 

Charlie shakes her head then forces herself to push negative thoughts in her head. Her aunt doesn't want her to give up if she was here. She would tell Charlie to push forward. Pressing her lips together, Charlie held back her tears from forming. She shouldn't cry. If there is a way, then she will find it. With newfound drive, Charlie left her office to move towards Alastor's office. He must have something to help her since he has preserved numerous books on his bookshelves. 

He wouldn't mind if it is bringing Belial come back home!


Another dead end for Alastor as he paint the wall with the unfortunate demon who stood in his way. With any shred of information about Heaven or its angel is fruitless, Alastor felt like he is running in circles. Any demons who bear any 'information' is nothing. He had to use his connections even asking a fellow overlord like Rosie. Alastor let out a deep sigh as he was told that no demon can step foot in Heaven as they are impure. Any demon who step foot on holy land is kill off instantly.

The only way a demon could step foot is be granted permission by an angel which is extremely rare. Alastor was secretly hoping that the betrayer would be dead but it is wishful thinking. The static around Alastor crackles when thinking that demon. He will kill Jasper when he is given the chance. Alastor stops to look up at the guarded gates of Lucifer's manor. His pride wouldn't let him ask for help anyone as he claim himself to be powerful. 

For the first time, he was powerless as the angels took away Belial from him. 

He was weak in front of the archangel. 

His sharp nails dig into the palm of his hand, drawing blood. Alastor would throw away his foolish pride if he will be able to see Belial and held her in his arms once again. Approaching the closed gates, it open before Alastor. It seems that Lucifer has been expecting him. The radio demon is ready for anything that stood in his way. 


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