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Absolute chaos could only describe the area where fallen angel clash with the new sinner of Hell. Demons who are in their path met their end before the could utter a single vowel. Belial slams her right gauntlet from above but Alastor pulls back from her path by leaping back. The ground shakes as the street breaks from her monstrous strength. Alastor's smile shows strain as he have to be on his toes against this woman. From that last punch, Alastor is struggling to breathe. 

"You certainly can hold a grudge, my dear!" Alastor chuckles. Belial moves in the close the space between them. She bears a grin on her face. "Not a grudge. It is just payback for stabbing me twenty times in the chest!" She heard the an audience laughter emitting from Alastor. "I didn't know you counted!" He replies. It felt wonderful for someone to count how many times it takes for them to die! Large black shadows came from Alastor to charge at the woman. She weaves and dodges the shadow's reach to close in the space between them. 

Alastor's eyes glow brightly as she went for a left hook. The sound of metal clashing caught their ears. Belial cannot see the look of surprise on Alastor's face when something forms in his hands. A long black microphone staff forms in front of him, blocking Belial's attack. He saw the red microphone glow red like him as an eye forms at the base of it. "Ouch! Hey, watch it lady!" A male voice emits from the microphone. 

Apparently, his microphone is a living being. A loud screech emits from the microphone. Belial's strong hearing made her flinch. It gives Alastor a chance to swung his staff at Belial. Flying back, Belial crash against one building. From the pile of rubble, Belial pulls herself out. Dust clung to her clothes. A chuckle left her lips, "Well, that is enough time for you to warm up. Time to get serious!" 

Belial's eyes glow brighter as her tail swung left and right harshly. Alastor held his staff as static became louder. His nails grew sharper as symbols forms around the sinner. The feeling of excitement run through his body. When he tried to compare his killing to this moment, nothing can compare to this. It feels like he is almost there! That feeling of pure unadulterated happiness. 

Clutching his staff, Alastor digs his left claw into the palm of his hand. Blood drips from his hand and lands next to his shoes. "Let us give everyone a show of a lifetime, my dear!" Alastor's excited voice crackles with static. Summoning a hellish portal, black tentacles burst from the portal. It snaps and stretch towards the fallen angel. 


Five minutes had past...

Demons who kept at a safe distance from the chaos couldn't believe what they are seeing. It is rare for a demon to witness even a fraction of Belial's power. The new demon is able to barely keep up with the fallen angel. They don't know who is the demon is fighting Belial. No one wants to interrupt their fight unless they want to die. 

One brave soul decides to jump into the chaotic battle - Jasper. Sweat and fear could be seen on the poor demon's face. "Why me?! Why...?!" He asks himself over and over again. He doesn't want to get into the chaos but he have to. 

Belial has a telephone call...

In his possessions is a vintage phone with an rotary. Jasper looks up at the five floor building begin destroyed by a single punch from Belial as she tries to hit Alastor. He let out a squeal of fear when seeing black tentacles quickly try to grab the woman in its grasp but Belial is able to weave and dodge pass its reach. Jasper whimpers under his breath then runs into the chaotic fight with the phone in his hands. Gathering up all of his remaining courage, Jasper's voice echoes throughout the battlefield. He holds up the ringing phone in the air. 


This distraction made both sides look at the shaking demon. Belial's right fist became still in the air, three centimeters away from Alastor's right cheek. Alastor's staff barely connects from Belial's stomach. The tentacles froze also. Jasper's eyes land on their torn clothes from their fight. He saw Belial's sunglasses are cracked and the left lense is missing. Dry blood clings to their clothes. 

When comparing to the both of them, Alastor have endure the worst. His coat is almost in tatters. His bowtie ripped at the edges and crooked. Dry blood coats the bottom of his lips. His right cheek bears a dark bruise from Belial's powerful punch. His nails have his blood from cutting into the palms of his hands. Licking the bottom of his lip, he taste the iron of his blood. He controls his labored breath to show no signs of weakness. Alastor can bet that his body is decorated with bruises. 

Dead silence on the battlefield expect the sounds of Belial's vintage phone. Belial looks at Alastor. "You don't mind if I..." She asks. Alastor simple shakes his head, gesturing her to answer the call. "Oh no, I can wait. After all it is terribly rude not to answer!" He gave her a grin. Both of them separate as Belial approaches Jasper. Alastor stood up straight with his microphone in his right hand.  

His eyes lands on Belial's figure. Belial reaches for the phone and held it to her left ear. "Belial speaking!" She spoke up. Her full name caught Alastor's ears. He waits for Belial to finish her call. Alastor caught pieces of the conversation. 

"Yeah....Yeah...Why am I fighting?...He stabbed me twenty times...Where? Living world when I was getting a present." Belial turns to face Alastor who gives her a wide grin. "Yeah...." She sighs out loud, pinching the bridge of her nose. "No no...I'm done already." Alastor's ear flicker. His grin became smaller from this. No, they shouldn't stop fighting. It is barely starting. Alastor winces when he moves his head to the left side. 

He had to admit, she packed a punch. 

"I know...send me the paperwork. All right, tell Pup I said hi....Bye." Belial puts down the phone, ending the call. Belial massages her left shoulder. "Since you heard me, we can't fight anymore. Orders from the big man, himself." Belial said. 

"Big man...?"

"You know, Lucifer. The king of Hell." 

His left ear flicker from that name. So, there is a hierarchy in Hell. To receive a call from Lucifer, Belial must be close to him. How interesting, he wants to know more about Hell. Belial sighs then removes her damaged sunglasses. His eyes focuses on Belial's eyes. He almost forgot that she is blind since she fight so well in battle. He notice the glow of her eyes disappear. "Here L-lady Belial." Jasper pulls out a pair of sunglasses from his suit pocket. 

Belial smiles when Jasper put the glasses in her left hand. "Thanks, Kiddo. I don't know what I will do without you." She comments as she put it on. Jasper's cheeks turn red from the comment. "A-anytime, L-lady Belial!" He replies with a squeak. Belial turns to Alastor's direction. She hold up her right hand to him. "Thanks for the warm-up, Alastor. I would say good luck to you but I got the feeling you don't need it." She begins to walk away with Jasper following her. 

"My dear, when we will continue our little dance with death?" Alastor spoke out. He can't wait to fight this fallen angel again. That feeling when he fought Belial became his addiction even after the first taste. Belial stops then chuckles. She lifts her glasses to reveal her eyes. "Probably never." The sound of a record scratch against a needle echoes in his mind. 

"...Forgive me, I must be hearing things. What do you say?" 

"We never going to continue our little fight. I'm afraid." 




Fate is truly cruel mistress...


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