Chapter 5

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"Where was the last place you've seen her?" The detective asked as he sat right infront of him inside this small conference room. He was being blamed, but he knows deep inside that he's innocent. He gulped as detective saw it, noting that he's beginning to get nervous.

"We were together last night, on our way home from our seniors party." He said, though his voice did not tremble. It was soft and clearly shows that he is worried. Sickly worried for his friend.

The detective nod as he wrote down the important information from him. As his were drawn from the paper, he looked back again to him, "What is your relationship with the girl?" He asked tapping his pen on the note pad, almost rhythmically.

He hesitated to answer his question, not sure what he wanted to say. Even he is confused at himself, either way, he doesn't really know what type of relationship he has with the girl. Sure they share some kisses here and there, but he's not sure since for once, both of them never really did say that they were a thing.

"She' best friend. The bestest." He said looking down at the table. The word friend hurts him, but he doesn't know if she really does feel the same. Are they just friends with benefits? Or was it really something else? The kiss didn't just happened once. It was a couple of times. Stolen kisses here and there, but were they really something?

The detective bobbed his head in understandment, "I see. Any information that would likely help us trace your best friend?" He asked.

At first his mind runs with multiple thoughts. Due to his stress he forgot to call out for help, especially from the seniors that she was with last night. His eyes wonder all around the room, trying to remember or at least make up a good decision about this situation. And then, his mind click.

"T-The seniors." He stuttered. Almost scared to say it. He knows that one of them might have to do something about her whereabouts. But, he didn't want to point out who. So, the best way to put it is to give the detective all of their names.

"The seniors? We already interviewed Ms. Verlassene, and so does her other siblings, except for one. Any other seniors you would like us to interview?" He said looking at him, and locking his gaze at the boy.

He nodded instantly without thinking. He just wanted to find her again. He'll do whatever it takes, wether it cost him his life.

"So far, we've interviewed Avis Verlassene, Her twin brother, Lucius Eli, Hanna Therese, Liam Grey, and Even Mimzy Blake, we're also going to interview Alastor Anderson. Anyone else, Dela Cruz?" He asked, saying his last name.

He can't just assume stuff, but she did mention that Alastor was always keeping his gaze towards her. And only her. He might have need to tell this to this detective.

"About Alastor," he paused, hesitant.

The detective gaze flicked. Interested and curious as to what he was about to say. So far, he didn't said anything about anyone else. This boy might have been assuming things inside his head, but he should at least give him a chance. If they really wanted to find this girl, then he should've taken the risk to listen to him. Even if it's a ridiculous answer.

He continued, "She did told me that Anderson, this senior, was always staring at her. Though, she didn't told me that he's either following her around. Her words were always the same, that everytime she walks inside a room with him in it, Anderson will always keep his gaze towards her and no one else." He explained to him. Hoping that this detective believed everything that he said.

There was a moment of silence between them as the detective wrote the important words that he said. And there, the detective sigh, looking at him and nodding.

"I'll be sure to inspect and keep an eyes on Alastor Anderson. He might have to do something about her whereabouts."

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"And there is how you do it." You said with a proud smile. Tyrone scoff and you remark but either he listened to your words.

"You're missing something," he said standing next to you as he leaned down towards the computer screen. He laughed shortly in which making you blush in embarrassment, he pointed out, "You're missing a block." He smirked as he looked down at you.

You immediately exit the game as you scramble with your words, embarrassed that he literally had to pointed that out, "Don't judge me! I just started with the game." You said as you playfully hit his strong shoulder.

He laughed, "I know, I know! Stop that! I t hurts!" He jokingly pleaded. You huffed in annoyance. He chuckled thinking how adorable you looked when you puffed your cheeks together, "I'll buy some ice cream at 7/11 wanna come?" He asked slightly tilting his head to the side.

"Buy me chocolate." You said as you closed your laptop.

He groan, "You buy it. I'm broke as a joke." He said rolling his eyes at you as he grabbed his sneakers as the two of you head out of his apartment.

"Shit the fuck up, your Father owns a company." You said glaring at him.

"He owns it. Not me." He said with a gruff. Clearly the topic that involves hid father is what he really didn't want to talk about. You're fully aware of it, but you literally just wanted to mess up with his day since he already did to you.

You giggled as you intertwine your fingers with him. It's a force habit that you've been doing ever since first year in highschool. Him being by your side all the time, it was always normal for your to intertwine your finger with him. And to his view, there's nothing wrong with it.

But he knows deep down that there is. And those are the feelings he's catching for you.

Both of you don't know what type of relationship you two are having. But you know deep down, that you're starting to love your own best friend.

But at some occasion. Your mind always wonder back to Alastor.



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Oku da best.

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