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You know, now that I've finished this, I realize that it might be a bit strange to call this an Autobiography. Most of these types of books cover someone's entire life. When I really think about it, I haven't covered a lot of time. I'm barely even an adult. But, somehow, I managed to get forty-something chapters out of it. Maybe that's just a sign of some kind. Well, one thing's for sure though: Even after writing all of this, I still stand by what I said in the beginning. I still think that Morro had a point.

Like I said in the last chapter, I want to end this book here. It's not along book, but this is what's important to me. This is where I think, it's smart to stop it. If I decided to keep writing now, I'd never finish it. I feel like, I've finally said it. I've said all of what I wanted to say. And now, it's time for me to go and finally finish what I started. It's time to end this book.

I'm never going to stop having adventures. I'm a ninja, and, well, we don't quit. Even if we maybe want to. Through all of my adventures, all of the time I've spent with my friends, I've learned that it's never enough to just want something to end. It's never enough to just want to make something happen. You have to do both. You have to want it, and work to make something happen. Through everything, I've always known that. I've known that I have to keep pushing.

At first, I think the only reason that I pushed was because I was the Green Ninja. I did it because that was just, what was expected of me. I had to be the savior of Ninjago. But that's not who I am now. Being the Green Ninja isn't about, being Ninjago's savior. I have to be the person that saves Ninjago. I have to be the person that will carry Ninjago forward. I have to do this, above anything else. I made a promise that I would protect this land. Being the Green Ninja is my symbol of that. People will remember the Green Ninja.

But I can't rely on that. I'll never be able to say that I'm strong because I'm the Green Ninja. All this time, I've thought about being strong because I have that title. Maybe that's why I had so many issues with finding who I was. I thought for so long that being the Green Ninja was it. That was what I had to be. That's what I should be. But, having that symbol stripped away by my father was enough to make me realize that, that's not all there is to me. I'm not the Green Ninja. I'm Lloyd Garmadon. I'm the son of Lord Garmadon, I'm a member of the ninja, and I help protect Ninjago. Those are what make up the Green Ninja. But I am not the Green Ninja. The Green Ninja, is me.

I thought, maybe I'd know more of what I wanted to say when I wrote this epilogue. I guess after reading all this, you must think I really don't want to protect Ninjago. I've complained a lot about how much I've lost. I've made a big deal about how many times I've been hurt, my father changed me, how the ninja changed me... how destiny pulled me around and threw me for a loop whenever I thought I finally had a grip on it. I know that, after all my freakouts you probably think that I hate being the Green Ninja. And, I can't exactly say that's, entirely untrue. There have been times I've hated it.

But that doesn't mean that I regret this. I don't regret my life. I don't look back and wish that I'd been someone else. Because I know that there was only one person who could be the Green Ninja. If I wasn't it, then Ninjago would have fallen. But more than that, I wouldn't have become the person I am today. I've hurt, a lot. I've gone through things that nobody else should have to. But at the end of the day, I know that I'm who I need to be. I'm Lloyd Garmadon. I'm the only one who can say that he is. And, that's what's important.

And I think, right now I want to take a moment to say something. Specifically, to the ninja. Kai, Cole, Jay, Zane, Nya... thank you. Thank you for every single day that you've helped me. Thank you for never abandoning me. Thank you for guiding me even when I thought I couldn't go on. Thanks for making me feel like I had to get better so I could lead you guys. Thank you for never turning your back on me. You all mean so much to me. I don't think I'd ever have done this without you. You guys give me the strength to do things that I'll never be able to.

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